Chapter Seven

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I never did fall asleep. I just kind of sat there all night, with my back against the door, and an empty chocolate milk carton in my right hand. My eyes are droopy, and sleep wants me to answer its call, but I honestly don't know if I can right now. What nightmares would await me if I fell asleep? And what would await me if I woke up? More nightmares probably.

This whole situation is a nightmare.
I have no clue what to do about it.
This feels like hell right now.
It's not as bad as it could be though, I've been through worse.

I groan, in attempt to get up off of the floor, but both of my legs are asleep. I rub them, trying to ignore the tingly feeling that you get as your asleep legs awaken. Eventually, the feeling subsides, allowing me to stand. I make sure the door is locked properly before heading into the bathroom.

I halt as I enter the bathroom, wondering why it feels as if there's something missing.

Oh yeah, the door.
I'm standing on it.
Jackson broke it.
How am I going to get any privacy?

I walk back out of the bathroom, and to the door that leads back into the hallway. I hesitate with my hand on the handle, biting my lip out of uncertainty, before unlocking it and opening it enough for me to stick my head out of the door.

I glance around the hallway to see it completely empty.

This a big house, there's bound to be other bathrooms with showers.

I finally gain enough courage to venture out into the hallway after telling myself that I in fact, needed the shower. Since I'm way too tired to even think about escaping at the moment.
I tip-toe my way down the hall, opening closed doors, peaking inside to see what's behind each door. Most of them are bedrooms, there're probably bathrooms in each room, but I'm afraid someone might walk in on me, especially if the room belonged to someone.

I give up on the top floor, and start to make my way to the next level below me, once again checking each door before continuing my adventure in search of a nice hot shower.
Right as I'm about to reach for yet another door, it suddenly opens, causing me to jump back from the sudden movement.

A tall girl emerges from the room, wearing a t-shirt and checkered pajama pants with her auburn hair twisted into a braid. Her eyes go wide with surprise as she sees me with my back to the opposite wall in the hallway. 

"Um, hi?" The girl asks, unsure of how to react to my presence.
"Hullo." I reply quietly. I don't want to say much, seeing as I technically tried to break into this girls room. Plus my social awkwardness prevents me from being anything but a functional human being. After all, that's what social anxiety is anyways.
"Who are you?" The girl asks, still completely confused as to what the hell is happening.
"Um, just someone I guess.." I trail off, before getting the nerve to ask a question, "Do you know where a bathroom is? One with a shower?"  She furrows her eyebrows at my question, but answers it nonetheless.
"Um, sure; there's one just down the hall to your left." The girl points to the direction she indicated. I nod my thanks before walking towards the bathroom. 

"I don't like the left.." I mutter to myself as I walk with my head down in search of some sort of warmth from the shower. I hear a whispered "What?"  behind me, I forgot that if this really is a werewolf thing, that probably everyone here is a werewolf.
"Stupid heightened senses.." I mutter once again as I make the last few steps to the bathroom.

I open the door, and turn on the light, to reveal a decent sized bathroom with a shower. Although it still has all the high end stuff like marble, and nice light fixtures and cabinets and such, it's still smaller, giving it a better feel than the rest of this ginormous house.

I close the door behind me before stripping down and turning the nobs of the shower to the perfect temperature before climbing in.

Just mildly scalding, perfect.
Finally, an escape.

Although my mindless peace only lasted about a minute before the door to the bathroom suddenly bursts open. I screech at the sudden intruder, and jump backwards, both hitting my head on the shower nozzle, and getting water in my eyes. 

The intruder turned out to be a man as I hear a masculine voice yell, "CRAP!"
In attempt to cover myself, I grab the shower curtain, but end up slipping and falling, bringing the curtain down with me as I fall onto the slippery tile floor.

"I'm so sorry!" The man says trying to help me up, but seeing as I'm wet, he can't get a good grip on me, and I also don't want to reveal my nudity to a stranger, so I squirm away from him.

Please don't see my boobs.
Please don't see my boobs.
Please don't see ANYTHING!

Although it's me who can't see anything at the current moment.

"What the hell is happening!?" A familiar voice shouts.
"I don't know Alpha, I went to go take a piss and accidentally walked in on some girl taking a shower, I promise it was an accident!" I bring a hand up to wipe the water away from my eyes, finally revealing the blurry figures of Jackson, and a tall man with mocha skin. I can't make out much, but the one guy looks extremely stressed, and Jackson just looks outright furious.

"Get her a towel then! Don't try to help her up!" Jackson says loudly, as if it was the obvious.
"Y-yes sir." The guy stutters before leaving the room to get the towel.

Finally I feel his gaze on me, and it isn't a happy gaze.

"Amelia!?" Jackson growls out, my cheeks start to heat up at his gaze. I try and cover myself more in the shower curtain, but I feel so exposed.

"I thought I locked the door, it's not my fault." I mumble out quickly, trying to avoid him saying anything else before that guy gets back with a towel.

"Why didn't you just shower it our room?" Jackson asks angrily. I lower my head and decide the floor is much more interesting than anything else in the entire world at this moment.
"Amelia." His voice starts to become more stern, I feel his presence get closer to me, but on instinct I scramble backwards. 

I can feel the atmosphere change to become even more tense as before, just as the guy from earlier returns with a giant fluffy blue towel.

"Again, I'm so sorry, here's a towel!" The guy says whilst giving me the towel. He stands there and stares at me, as if waiting for me to put the towel on in front of him.
"Um..." I look at him, trying to send him a message with a psychic link I don't have.
"Kyle, get out." Jackson suddenly commands, causing the guy (who's name I found out is Kyle) to finally gain his senses, and stop staring at me. He mutters a quiet 'yes sir', before exiting, leaving me with my mate.

Guess I'll just continue to sit here...
And getting cold...

"Listen, I don't know what I did to make you mad at me, but can we at least try and make this work? We are mates." My eyes snap up to glare at him, anger building inside me at his words.

He doesn't know why I hate him?
Is he serious?
All this time he's been gone, did he not go to school? Cause he's dumb as hell.

"GET OUT!" I explode, pointing angrily at the door. Jackson flinches before nodding and leaving the room, closing the door behind him. I sigh as I slowly get up, leaving the curtain on the ground, and wrapping myself in the towel, before going to lock the door. 

It's locked this time, I can relax now.
Just have to avoid Jackson for the rest of my life, and get out of here.

A small knock sounds from the door.
"Amelia, I just wanted to let you know, lunch will be in an hour, if you want to meet me in the kitchen so we can talk..." Jackson's voice is slightly muffled from the door, but something in me wants to listen. For once, I let that part take over. But not nicely.
"Whatever, see you in an hour." I end the conversation, and walk back over to the shower to continue my relaxation, numbing my mind from any and all realities around me.


NEW CHAPTER! I literally finished so late, I had pre-written chapters for this but I ran out of those, so I'm getting on the struggle bus.

Song above is 'When I come around' by Green Day.


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