Chapter Six

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An hour and a half passed by. An hour and a half of nothing. I simply escaped deep in my mind to entertain myself, daydreaming of a happy life, where I'm not being held against my will, and I can actually be myself without being horrifically bullied for it. Jackson gave up trying to talk into eating a forty-five minutes ago. Since then, he's made himself busy on his phone, playing a game or checking social media or something. I don't know.

Knock knock.
Who's There?
Reality, just wanted to make sure I remembered the position I'm in.
Gee, how thoughtful.

My stomach grows loudly, causing Jackson's eyes to glance up from him phone, his eyebrows squished together in confusion. He realizes the noise came from my stomach, and sighs.
"Can you please just eat something?" He sounds honestly distressed about me not eating. I feel guilt start to build in my chest. Although I don't know why, since I hate him and have absolutely no feelings for him.

My clothes have dried since earlier, so I take the towel off of myself, and through it at his face as an answer. The food has gone cold anyways. And as much as I love lasagna, it's pretty rubbish once it's cold. And don't get me started on the garlic bread. I love it just as much as pizza, but have you ever made toast, accidentally left it for like 20 minutes, then come back? It's just weird. It's just wrong.

"Do I need to force feed you or something?" Jackson threatens, I send him a death glare, refusing to speak verbally. He groans, standing up and walking across the room, his hands running through his hair out of frustration.

That's kind of hot.
But it's Jackson, so not really.
I love how he thinks I'll eventually cave in to whatever this is.
It's hilarious.

A knock comes from the door, Jackson makes his way towards it in long strides, his mood evident in his body language.
I stand up from sitting at the edge of the bed, and quietly tip toe to follow him.

If that door opens, this could be my chance at escaping.
Catch this douche bag by surprise.
But if he really is a werewolf, he'll catch us in seconds.
All the more proof I need.

Jackson opens the door halfway, revealing a short, plump woman in her early thirties, with bright colored auburn hair.
"Excuse me Alpha, has the Luna finished her meal? I can take the dirty dishes if you would like." She asks, not noticing me sneaking up behind the Alpha.
"No thanks Jackie, but she hasn't eaten yet" I'm standing right behind him now. Mentally prepping myself for whatever happens next.

I make my decision, lifting my leg back, and swinging it forward with as much strength as I can muster, kicking Jackson in the worst place possible for a guy. A loud grunt is heard as the 'mighty Alpha' falls to the floor, his face cringing with pain. I step over him, throwing the door open and pushing past the poor girl that was at the door before I decided to escape.

My bare feet make soft thumps on the carpet floor as I sprint down the hallway, turning corners, looking for a staircase, or elevator, or whatever this rich asshat has that will get me out of this house. I see double doors that seem important, at this point Jackson has probably mustered enough dignity to come find me, so I need to hurry.

A low growl is heard behind me, as I look behind me to see a very angry Jackson running towards me. I make my decision, bursting through the doors, stepping forward, not expecting after about two steps, to go tumbling down a flight of stairs. I try to scream, but I end up gobbling my way down the stairs, with each part of me hitting the steps. Fortunately they are carpeting, but that doesn't help my cause.

I'm. An. Idiot.
Who puts freaking doors above a staircase?
There were warnings, there was a space before the stairs.
I suppose my dad was right, I need to be more aware of my surroundings.
A bit late to realize though.

I land on hardwood floors at the bottom of the staircase, groaning out of pain and humiliation. A loud burst of cackling sounding laughter fills the air, coming from above me. I look up the stairs, seeing Jackson laying on his back, laughing his ass off.

"Glad to find that you think my pain is funny." I mumble to myself, but apparently he heard it.
"I'm sorry you fell, but were you gobbling while you fell!?" Another round of laughter caused him to clutch his sides from how hard he's laughing.
"You scream when you fall! But the stairs kept bumping my voice..." I try to excuse my embarrassment, my face heating up a bit as I think back to what just happened.

I mumble curse words under my breathe as I slowly get up off the cherry red hardwood floors.
I might as well give up for now, what was left of my own dignity is gone, I'm tired, and I'm in pain.

Plus I'm hungry.
Don't tell Jackson.
Maybe I can just die of hunger at this point.
Unfortunately that will take days.

I sigh as I pad around the house till I find a kitchen, and a very very large fridge. I open the wide doors, and look inside, finding some chocolate milk awaiting me.

At least this will tide my hunger for a bit.
I'm such a child.

I search through the cupboards till I find one full of cups. Fancy ass glass cups to be exact.

Geez Jackson, chill with the richness.
My God, what are these made of, crystal?!

I pour the chocolate goodness to the very top of the glass, and start to chug down the contents. From hunger, thirst, and the fact that this chocolate milk is delicious. I glance at the label out of curiosity from where it's from.

This is freaking Swiss chocolate.
It's delicious, so who cares.
This is probably expensive...I should drink ALL of it.

After I finish the first glass, I pour myself another, this time savoring the rich chocolate as it trickles down my throat. I take the container of milk, and my cup with me to the ginormous island in the middle of the kitchen, and sit down at one of the leather stools. I'm hunched over, with my cup in my hands, half of it's contents gone, with me staring into space. Not even thinking, not doing anything. Just, existing.

"Amelia?" I shiver at the voice. I hate him. I hate that he does this to me. I don't reply as he walks around the counter, to be directly in front of me from across the counter. I can feel is eyes on me, but I continue to stare at the same grain of granite on the counter.

Ignore him.
Ignore him.
Ignore him.

I hear Jackson sigh, then a couple seconds later, he's sitting in the stool next to me. I keep face turned away from his as I take another swig of chocolate milk. There's not much left now, there was 3/4 of a gallon when I poured my first glass. That is no longer true, it is more around 1/3 left. Probably enough for one more glass.

I see Jackson's fingers wrap around the chocolate milk bottle, as if he's going to steal the last.

He can't have any.
He kidnapped me, so I'm gonna drink all of his precious chocolate milk.

I wrench the bottle out of his hands, and start drinking straight from the bottle. I hear him chuckle beside me. I set the bottle down, and turn to glare at him. His eyes connect with mine, before they move to my lips. Excitement stirs in my stomach, suddenly imagining us kissing.

Gross, get it out!

Then Jackson starts laughing. Again.

"What?" I snap, getting frustrated at tonight's situation.
"You h-have..." He's breathless from laughing so much. "A chocolate milk mustache."
I tense up then punch him in the shoulder, hard. I then grab my chocolate milk, and the glass that contains the rest, and head back upstairs to the room I was staying in.
As soon as I arrive, I close the door, and lock it, before sliding down against the door with my legs straight out in front of.

This will be the rest of my night.
Chocolate milk, and not sleeping.
There's caffeine in chocolate.
I'll be up all night.
Fine by me.


New chapter! Hope you guys like! :)

The song at the top is:
White Noise by Pvris.

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