Chapter Twenty Nine

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Nearly four minutes pass by as I'm consistently being scolded for my actions from today. My head is pounding as if I have a horrific hangover, but I know it's from multiple reasons. Number one, being stress.
I don't understand why I can't leave already, this yelling is just making my migraine worse. The principal and vice principal have both already told me I'm suspended, so why am I still here? What's the point? Are they trying to teach me a lesson? It's not like being out of school for three weeks isn't going to make me think about what I did.

What else am I supposed to do?
I won't have homework, I'll be too busy getting dumb to do anything but think.
Thinking is dangerous.
This suspension could kill me.
But they don't need to know that.

Another five minutes go by before the noise in the room reaches a reasonable level; afterwards I am quietly excused to begin my suspension. I feel nothing as I trudge through the empty halls of the school, making my way to the back of the building. It's too early for the bus, and neither of my parents answered their phones when the school tried to contact them. I'm on my own for now. I'll most likely have to walk home, down these lonely streets to my inevitable punishment.

I exit the backdoor and make my way across the football field when I notice a body laying in the grass. I see the body is breathing, there appears to be nothing wrong, so I continue on my journey to eternal grounding. I stop suddenly when I see who the body is on the ground.
It's Jackson.

I stop a couple feet away from where he's laying, I try my best to stay quiet and steady my breathing as I stare at him in the field. But alas, he's a werewolf, so he heard everything as I approached. He probably even knows it's me.
My suspicions are confirmed as Jackson raises his upper body, resting on his elbows as he looks at me. I look straight into his eyes, trying to find comfort in them during this time; but I feel nothing.
I am nothing.

I march past him the best I can as I settle into the thought of my lack of emotions. I can honestly say that I feel nothing now. No more joking about it on tumblr, no more faking, it's real this time.

I thought I had already been broken.
Now I'm shattered.

I begin my longest walk of shame, all the way to my house, five miles away.


I approach the house with my head low, exhaustion taking over my body completely as I trudge up the driveway to my home. It's the exact time I normally come home from school, I thought I'd have to make something up, but this situation bagged itself two different ways. One, being that I got home exactly on time. Two, being that neither of my parents are even home; which is very strange to their normal behavior. But no one in this house has been on their normal behavior since Jackson came bumbling back into my life. I look up to the front door as I approach, hand outstretched for the handle, but I pause for a note. A bright blue sticky note in my mothers handwriting:

Be home late,
please grab the newspaper on your way in.
Love, mom.

I snatch the note and stuff it into my pocket as I huff down the driveway in a fluster. I grab the newspaper out of a puddle in the gutter, shaking it off as I turn around to hurry back to the house. Halfway through the turn my eyes meet something in the direct middle of my front lawn. Something foreign, something that doesn't belong there.
A for sale sign.

We're moving?
Is that where my parents are right now, meeting with a realtor!?
Why didn't they even mention this to me?
This isn't some decision you just make up on the fly!
What am I going to do with myself?
All I have left is Lexi, now I'm going to lose her too?

I stomp in rampage towards the sign on the front lawn, my fingernails digging into the palms up my hand as I clench my fists. I grab the large wooden sign and pull with whatever strength I have left. I feel the sign wiggle in the wet dirt until it's completely uprooted and tossed across the yard with power I didn't know I had. My face is hot as about a hundred different thoughts puff through my brain in angry clouds. With my last bit of adrenaline, I stalk into the house and slide onto my bed, awaiting for my parents to return and explain the destruction that is being caused.

Everything's already ruined, so why should I care?
What I wouldn't give, to trade all of these bleak tomorrows for just one yesterday.
Yesterday, when everything was still in tact.


I don't move from my position on my bed when I hear the front door open, signaling the arrival of my mom and dad. I can hear them whispering in the kitchen, their tone voice indicating that they had seen the results of my little 'episode' in the front yard. It doesn't sound good for my case.
After a minute I hear footsteps padding on the carpet towards my bedroom. My mom emerges into view, she's holding a bunch of brand new cardboard boxes; presumably for packing my things into.

As you can see from my deduction from the 'for sale sign' on the lawn up from, my Sherlock skills are quite exquisite.

My mom sets her gaze onto me, her eyes sad and tired. I can tell she's been extremely stressed, especially since her hair is starting to noticeably gray. I suppose it's mostly from my being kidnapped two times in a row, with no explanation from me whatsoever. Especially this second time. I suddenly feel extremely guilty.

"Why mom?" I ask, despite my already understanding of her point of view. My mom sighs as she enters my room, placing the boxes down on the floor and sits on the foot of my bed.
"I don't think this town is the best place for us to be anymore." My moms eyes look right into my own, and for a moment, she can see me. She can see everything I've been through since the beginning of my struggles, and I can see hers. We finally understand one another.
"I think so too." I pinch myself to resist the urge to cry, but my mom doesn't. She pulls me into a bone crushing hug, tears streaming from her face and onto my shirt as she does so. She needs this, I need this.

The only thing to keep me here is Lexi.
But there's such thing as Skype.
And depending on where we're moving, I'm sure we can visit.
There's absolutely nothing else keeping me here.
Not after what I did today.
Not after today.

Alright alright alright, chapter 29.
Sorry to say this, but there is only going to be one more chapter of this book. I'm kind of sad to see this be finished, but I'm also glad that I've stuck to a strict schedule and finished a book. My other stories have taken ages to finish and I'm just glad that I forced myself to focus all of my creative energy on this story. I'll have a important a/n at the end of the next chapter, so please stay tuned to read that in two weeks!!!

Song above is Just One Yesterday by Fall Out Boy ft. Foxes

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