Chapter Twenty Seven

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Daylight streams through a small slit in my shades, shining directly on my eyes. I twitch my eyes in annoyance, as I don't want to wake up. I feel so tired, like someone beat the crap out of me then made me drink an entire bottle of NyQuil.

Why is there sunlight.
Its fall, there is no sun in the morning.
Did I wake up in another country?
Or an alternate dimension?
Or did I possibly sleep for six months?

I crack my left eye open to glance at my alarm clock, my eye not wanting to open with the heaviness weighing it down.
Geez, it's only ten o'clock? Why did I wake up so early.
"Shit!" I screech, trying my best to fling myself out of bed, only to fall flat on my face on the carpeted floor. My arms and legs feel as if they've been dipped into liquid lead and left to dry overnight.

The hell is wrong with me?
I don't remember taking sleep medication last night.
Let alone overdosing!

"Help." I meekly call down the hallway, how have my parents not woken me? Do they not realize the cruciality of my school attendance? I've barely attended most of my classes due to a certain asshat whose name I will not speak of right now.

Acting all suave yesterday, what an asshole.
How can someone make it so easy to—
...ignore that. I didn't say it.
It's merely a crush.
Female hormones, that's all.

"Hello?" I call out one more time, my voice barely audible as the overwhelming feeling of intense exhaustion flooded my senses once again, ruining any chance at all to become a good student.

I could use another nap..
One can't be too over-rested.


"What the hell, Amy!?" A loud banging wakes me up this time, the sound of someone's footsteps pad towards me as they enter my room. I keep my eyes closed as I mumble incoherent and vulgar language to whoever decided it was a good idea to wake me from such a deep slumber.
"So, are you going to explain why you're dead on the floor?" I wish.
"I...shu tied..oh away plea.." I feel a bit of drool leaving my mouth as I make my best attempt at speaking in my current state.

I feel pressure underneath my arms and the carpet rubbing against my legs, probably meaning I'm currently being dragged down the hallway. I feel myself being propped onto the couch, my legs being lifted up so that I could sit up straight. My head falls to the side almost immediately, even though at this point I'm trying to wake up and see who's bothering me.

"Where's your phone?" I know it's female, and most definitely not my mother. Lexi? "Found it, you're damn lucky I know your passcode." I hear the keypad on my phone as Lexi dials someone in my contacts. "Hello? Jackson? Wait, you're not—okay. I need help though, Amy's a freaking mess."

Love you too, Lexi.

Within ten minutes, there's a knock at my front door. I use all of my effort to try and open my eyes and see what's happening around me, but it's like someone is forcibly poking their fingers into my eyes to keep them closed.

"Thanks for coming, I don't know what's wrong with her." Two pairs of feet walk towards me.
"Damn, what screwed you up?" The voice belongs to a guy, someone familiar. Not Jackson, but I know this person. I'm pretty sure I talked to this person recently too.
"Do you know what to do?" Lexi asks, her voice sounding worried.

I suddenly hear a clicking noise, and the room falls completely silent. I hear a slow shuffling down the hall, then nothing once again. I feel two strong arms wrap around my legs and torso as the lift me from the couch.

Who initiated the quiet game?
Is it okay if I lose?

"Lessi?...Whrr I gon?" I manage to swivel my head in the opposite direction that it's hanging, not earning myself much, but movement is progress. The person carrying me doesn't stop moving as we enter what I believe to be the outdoors. I can feel the cool autumn wind as it passes across my face, gently caressing a soft feeling that makes me want to fall back under the spell of sleep.

I feel myself being carefully placed onto a sleek, cushy surface. My body is sprawled in all directions as I hear a car door close. I'm pretty sure I'm the one inside a car. The door sound repeats itself in the front of the car, just before I hear the ignition start.

I'm moving now. The car drives down smooth roads as it takes me to a place that I don't know. But at this very moment, I don't really care. The white noise, the soft rolling of the car, and the comfiness of the seat I'm laying on is pulling me back to the death state that I was in not too long ago.


All sense of tiredness is now gone. I feel more awake than ever. I burst open my eyes to be met with more darkness, as if my eyes never really opened at all. But the soft material covering my face tells my that I am wearing a blindfold. Also, the harsh tightness on my wrists and ankles tells me that I am currently tied to a seat of some sort.

The room I'm in is comfortable, the air not too hot, nor too cold. The smell is a mix of cement and a musky jacket. It's like whoever took me doesn't want me to feel alarmed. (Which is incredibly strange of a kidnapper)

What if it's just Jackson trying to lure me back into his werewolf cult.
He could have just waited.
At this point, I'm not completely opposed to the idea.
But now? I'd rather sit in the pits of hell than join him and his pup club.

I hear a quiet squeak, a door, possibly?

"I can tell your awake." A man speaks. The voice from before, when I was being dragged like a bag of meat. "I hope you're comfortable, seeing as I don't want to harm you in any way." The voice is trying to be kind, but there's something there that makes the voice not click in my head. I definitely know this voice, but there's something off with how it sounds right now. Like whoever this is has never spoken in this tone of voice before.

"Nice to see you." I quip, trying my best to sound neutral about this whole situation. I can almost hear the smirk on this guys face, probably all smug about how he has the upper hand.

Guess what assface, I went to the Spider-Man school of quips and comebacks.
Try me, douche bag.

"I'd suggest you calm down the sarcasm and sass for all of five minutes, as this entire scenario is quite serious." I know who this is! Who is it?!

Large hands brush the side of my face and the back of my head as the blindfold is removed. As the dark clothe falls to the floor, I meet my criminal face to face. I'm at a loss for words.

How can it be him!?

This whole schedule thing is hard, I'm exhausted. Y'all damn well better appreciate this chapter!

Song above is Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men.
Honestly the whole vibe of the song fits perfectly with this chapter.
If you have any song suggestions for future chapters, leave them in the comments please!

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