Nobody knows about Rex's gender or his condition except for my closest family members and my best friend, Lucas. Lucas is the third child of our delta and Jessica's younger brother.

Like Jessica, Lucas was also been blessed with gorgeous good looks. He was a foot taller than me, which makes him a giant, sort of. He met his mate Ronda a year ago, and afterward she moved to our school and pack, becoming my second bodyguard. Lucas, of course, was my first. They've been inseparable ever since.

Lucas and I were on our way to our lockers to put away our books as it was lunch time. The hallway was packed with students buzzing around gossiping and rushing into the cafeteria. The buzzing noise suddenly turned into a deafening silence, which obviously caught my attention. A weird smell that my sensitive nose picked up on made me stop completely, a sense of longing overtaking me.

Rain and cloud.

Up ahead were three new faces. No, three new gorgeous faces.

One guy and two girls. Their expensive outfits compliment the contours of their bodies. The guy was the tallest of the three, a head taller than the girls, with shades of golden hairs. The girls are just as stunning. I noticed that the shorter of the two had strawberry blonde hair. The other girl had a beautiful dark red hair. One thing for sure, they are highly blessed with their genes. Stunning, to be precised.

They were on their way to the cafeteria, paying little attention to all the eyes gawking at them as they passed by. I assumed they were all used to it by now as being the royal family. Unlike them, because of my current condition with my wolf, I have to keep my identity a secret. If anybody found out that the alpha to-be of this territory was among them, I'd gain too much unwanted attention.

Just as they turn the corner, one of the girls, the redhead, stop abruptly and scented the air. Her siblings continued, unaware of her distraction. Confusion blends with realization marring her flawless face as she looks around.

Then, our eyes meet.

The world seems to freeze right at that second, and I'm blown away by how stunning she actually is as I finally seen her full figure. She has the fiercest blue eyes I've ever seen, contrasted with her pale, creamy complexion. Blue skinny jeans, matching the blue in her eyes, knee high rocker-styled black boots - complete with studs, plain white undershirt and black designer denim jacket shows off her slender and lean figure – making her look like a badass supermodel who had just came out of a photoshoot.

Simply gorgeous.

She looks at me with something similar to utter confusion and horror covering her face before abruptly turning and hurriedly catching up with her siblings.

"Logan? Are you okay?" Lucas queried with a tint of worry in his voice.

"Well, that was weird." Kristina says from behind us before I have a chance to answer him. I turned and smiled at her. She kisses me.

"Hey baby. I missed you. Are you okay?" Kristina said fondly while caressing my face and held my hands.

"Yeah, I'm good. I miss you too." I smiled at her advance.

"Good. Let's go, I'm starving." She smiled as she pulls me over to the cafeteria. Lucas just walked by my side without a word.

Kristina was among the mere 10% of humans attending our school. Being mateless, I didn't want to get into a relationship with another wolf – fearing that I would be stealing somebody else's mate. Hence, I chose to date a human. Humans who came here were either friends with the wolves or have family members married to our kind. They abide by wolf rules and learn our history alongside us in class.

"It's weird that the royalty suddenly enrolled here. You know anything about it, Logan?" Lucas suddenly chimed in.

"I have no idea. I'm gonna ask my dad about it later."

"Yup, think you should. Don't wanna risk our own with their sudden arrival without due cause."

I just nodded at him.

Siblings forgotten, the cafeteria was once again buzzing with students enjoying their free time and their lunch. We went to queue for our lunch. The cafeteria serves mostly food for werewolves which consists of variations of meats. We normally consume a lot more than humans do. After getting our piles of food, we wind out way to our usual table.

A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you for dropping by my book. Hope you like what you read so far and hope you will stay with me along the journey. If you like what you read, kindly drop off comments and votes. Would really appreciate each contribution you can to help undiscovered writer like me. Till then, enjoy! ^^

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