Lloyd x reader. "Procedure room."

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So this is my first "x reader" book and it's awkward at first. But I bet it is for everyone.
Y/N- your name.
F/C- favorite color.
H/C- hair color
E/C- eye color.
Later on.
Oh, your element in this one is light.
Your POV-
You stumble through the door of the bounty swearing under your breath. You slam the door. Jade, chocolate, hazel, bitter wood, silver, and baby blue eyes dart towards the door. They all stare at you.
"Where have you been?" Kai asked raising an eyebrow,  being impatient as always.
"Do you guys even listen when I tell you where I'm going when I leave?" You replied raising an eyebrow.
Kai's scared eyebrow jolted down to normal.
"Uh, not most of the time."
"Of course."
The rest of the ninja were patiently waiting.
Zane suddenly scanned you.
"It appears you injured your toe. May I ask?"
Zane asked with the same robotic tone as always. 
"Thanks for invading privacy as always Zane."
"You're quite welcome."
He replied taking his seat.
"Well, where to begin..."
"Yeah, we are going to need to take you to the procedure room so it can be taken out."
You panicked. Your toenail. Being taken out. Without anyone there? Nope. Nope. Nope.
"Are you going to take the whole nail out?"
You asked, sweat forming on your brow.
"Unless you want to, we only need to take the ingrown part out."
The doctor looked down at his notes then back to you.
"There is a 20% chance if we take the whole nail out, you won't grow one again."
Ok, that's COMPLETELY off the table. You liked to have your nails painted occasionally.
"Ok, just the ingrown part."
The doctor left the room after that.
The nurse-led you to the procedure room where you soaked your foot. Because, just your luck, it was infected too.
Your anxiety was climbing through the roof. The nurse was getting scalpels and shots out.
You were the ninja of light you could handle a couple of numbing shots couldn't you?
The thought of it made your eyes fill to the brim with tears.
It's going to be okay, you tried to soothe yourself but nothing was working.
The doctor came back.
"Can you get me some scrubs? I ruined my clothes last time doing this."
That didn't make you feel any better.
"Ok, the worst part will be these numbing shots. I'm going to get the 3 main nerves to your toe and numb it. On 3. 1...2...3.
He shoved the needle into your foot. Tears came bursting out.
"Now don't jerk your leg back. That will just make it hurt more and mess it up."
You had to hold your leg steady so you wouldn't kick him in the face.
"Here's the second one."
The tears streamed down your face like a river going downstream at full force.
"And the third one."
This one hurt the worst. Your free hand, which had a death grip on the edge of the bed, was glowing with flaming hot light. It was hard to control while in immense pain.
"Ok, it should be numb now."
And it was but you could still feel him touching your foot.
He started cutting the nail and you continued to battle with your powers and self-restraint with your leg.
"And done." He announced.
"It should still be numb for an hour or so. I hope you feel better. It should feel better tomorrow."
He was done the cutting. Then he cauterized the wound. Silver nitrate. You swear the next time you saw one you would light it up.
He left and his nurse wrapped it in gauze.
"You can leave now sweetie."
You got up and hobbled out of the room. It felt extremely awkward since your toe was numb and you had one shoe on. People gave you dirty looks as you limped through the waiting room.
You got outside. You didn't have a ride. You rode your light dragon here. You tried to summon it, but couldn't since your fear was all over the place. You settled and took the bus. Probably the most disgusting choice since you just had gauze on your foot.
You got off at a bus stop that was close to the bounty. The numbing was wearing off but, not completely. You got to it and cursed. You'd have to climb the anchor. You cursed the whole climbing up the anchor. From pain and stupidity. Then you opened the door.
"Wow. Jay said. You've had a long day."
"Would it hurt if I stepped on it?"
He got up and ran over to you attempting to step on it because Jay is Jay.
Before his leg could go down any further, light exploded through the room and he was sent flying into the wall.
"Yes, it would Bluebell. Don't try again."
A few laughed. Nya laughed while she was concerned about Jay. Kai And Cole were laughing really hard because Jay flew across the room. And Lloyd looked puzzled in thought. You stumbled over to the couch where he was. You threw your F/C Converse into the wall.
"Kai, you called it, burn those."
He looked at you weird.
"You love those shoes though."
He questioned your antics.
"They caused this. Burn them."
He shrugged and started a small fire.
You took the seat next to Lloyd.
You tucked some of you H/C behind your ear and smiled. You always did like Lloyd. He was always so sweet, still had the child in him, even though he was an amazing leader.
"How was your day green ninja?"
He looked surprised.
"My day? Wow. Nothing compared to the feat of yours."
You laughed. His eyes shined as he smiled.
He turned on the TV.
"Wanna play crip? If you can handle it of course."
You laughed at his cockiness.
"Crip? As in cripple? You're on."
You played the same game against each other for a long time.
You finally yawned.
"I give up green ninja. You win."
He gave you a small smile.
"I call that a tie, gold ninja."
You took some painkillers for your toe and stumbled to bed.
3 hours into the night.
You woke up. Tears streaming down your face. Your toe throbbing from the extreme pain. You threw off your covers and that hurt in itself.
Not good. You thought.
Once you started walking the pain and tears intensified. Major time.
You muffled your scream. It hurt more than any training with the guys.
Lloyd's room was the closest. You knocked.
He came to his door. Once he saw you his expression softened.
"What's wrong?"
He said softly.
You pointed at your toe with a loss of words for the pain you were in. He scooped you up bridal style. He walked you across the hall to your room. You wanted to be blushing but the pain overtook any other emotion. He laid you down in the bed you emerged from. He got some painkillers and water and handed it to you. He got stood up from where he was sitting on your bed, propped your leg up with pillows, and was heading for the door.
You squeaked out.
"Will you stay with me? My bed is plenty big so you can sleep with me and it won't be weird."
He laughed at the last part.
He climbed in. He put his arm around you.
You stated into his jade eyes, and his amazing blond hair.
"Goodnight Lloyd."
"Goodnight Y/N."
"I love you." You mumbled barely audible.
"I love you too." He replied.

And that's the end! Beautiful right?
Well, the sucky thing is this happened to me about 2 weeks ago. My toe is still healing. And yes it actually hurt that bad.

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