Chapter six

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Amelia's POV

"Mama, do you like Thomas the tank engine? Me and Dylan do." My son asks whilst he admires the blue train on the telly.

"Of course, baby boy." I smile, agreeing to make him happy. Last time I said no to Peppa Pig he wouldn't talk to me and was grumpy for the whole day.

My phone rings and I see the caller is Anne, I leave my son in the living room and make my way to the kitchen to answer the phone.

"Hey Anne, what's up?"

"Hello, love, would you and Brett be able to come over for dinner at around six? Harry, Dylan, Gemma and her fiancé will be there."

"Yes we will be able to, how is Harry is he okay, would you like me to bring anything?" I ask.

"No just bring yourself and Brett." I nod but then realise she can't see me.

"I'll see you later, Anne." I say.

"Bye Amelia."

After I put the phone down I check the time to see it is three, that gave me enough time to plan out Gemma's wedding make up for next week as I'll be too busy with other clients this week.


Six o'clock came around fast and I was now sitting in Anne's living room waiting for everyone to arrive, I asked Anne where Harry was and she said that he would be down soon but he still won't speak.

The door bell goes and a few seconds later I hear a load of hello's, Gemma then walks in with Dylan on her hip and a taller blonde man on the right of her. "Amelia, hi!" Gemma smiled, pulling me into a hug. She pulls away and then introduces the man. "This is my fiancé Chase." We greet each other and shake hands. 

"Dinner's on the table guys." Anne beamed, holding a wooden spoon.

We all sat around the table, I was next to Brett so I could help him with his food but the other side of where I was sitting was empty.

"Where is daddy?" Dylan asks, looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

" don't..." I'm interrupted by footsteps beside me, I turn to my right to see Harry pulling out the chair beside me.

"Hello, daddy." Dylan smiles at his father.

"Hello." Harry mumbles, staring down at his plate of food. There are a few minutes of silence until Gemma starts to make conversation, I chop up Brett's food as well as Dylan's and start to eat mine.

"This is really good, Anne." I compliment.

"Thank you dear, it's Harry's favourite, isn't it son?" She looks at Harry who just shrugs in response.

Once we have all finished our dinner the conversation keeps flowing but I start to notice Harry become agitated, before I can say anything he stands up abruptly and runs back up the stairs.

"Should I go?" Gemma asks as if it happens all the time.

"No, no, Amelia you go." Anne gently smiles nodding towards where Harry ran out, I nod becoming nervous all of sudden. "It is the first door on the left."

I slowly get up and make my way towards the stairs, each step I take I feel my heart rate quicken slightly. I knock on his door and when I don't get a response I decide to open it anyway, he's laying down on his bed stationary, just staring at the ceiling.

"Harry?" I whisper, walking towards him slowly, sitting at the edge of the bed. "You okay, Angel?" I stroke his hair, making him close his eyes. "Talk to me."

He sits up against his headboard and just stares at me, his face full of vulnerability.

He sits up against his headboard and just stares at me, his face full of vulnerability

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"H-harry is embarrassed." He croaks, I look at him in confusion. "Amelia had to see Harry have seizure and now he is embarrassed because Amelia probably doesn't like him anymore." He whimpers.

"No, no, Harry don't cry, sweet boy." I stroke his cheeks looking into his vibrant green eyes. "I really like you Harry, don't think that I don't okay." I demand making him nod his head.

"Can, can ame... you stroke my hair again?" I laugh and so does he.

"You like when I stroke your beautiful curls?" I raise my eyebrows in amusement, he nods eagerly and intertwines his hand with one of mine making me blush as well as him.

"Is this okay?" He whispers, looking at our hands, I squeeze his hand in response, we lay down on his bed and I resume to stroking his hair.

After a while my phone starts to ring, Laurence's name popping up, I sit up and answer it.


"Amelia, you need to come back home now!" Laurence says frantically down the phone making me on full alert.

I jump off of Harry's bed. "I..I've got to go." I breathe, I kiss Harry's cheek, "We'll talk later, angel." I rush down stairs, telling Anne it is a family emergency and me and Brett make our way back home.


Thank you to everyone who is reading! Don't forget to keep voting x

Only Angel ~ Harry Stylesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن