Chapter two

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Amelia's POV

Its midday and Brett and I are doing a food shop as I am making him his favourite dinner, Spaghetti Bolognese.

We are walking up and down the aisles looking for the ingredients when Brett decides to run off. "Brett!" I yell, running after him. Once I've reached him I see him talking to a boy that looks his age. I approach my son and turn him around crouching down so we are eye level.

"Don't you ever run away like that Brett, okay?" I scold him, making him nod his head.

"But mama, I saw Dylan." He points to the curly headed little boy that has a bandana on top of his head and bright green eyes, a bit like ha... wait no.

I frown, realising that he is by himself. "Hey little man, where are your parents?" I gently ask.

"I ran off because I say Bretty and now I've lost my daddy." He sniffles, I'm about to say something when I hear a man shout his name.

"Dylan!" My eyes widen when I see Harry running towards us.

Dylan is his son.

"Daddy." Dylan makes grabby hands and Harry picks him up.

"Har-- Daddy was so worried a-about you." Harry frowns burying his head into Dylan's hair.

I gently cough grabbing Harry's attention.

"Oh, hello beautiful Amelia." He gives me another lazy smile like he did the first time we met, making me smile and give him a small wave.

" He gives me another lazy smile like he did the first time we met, making me smile and give him a small wave

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Hi." I whisper.

"Mama?" Brett pulls the bottom of my jeans.

"Yes baby." I look down at him.

"Can Brett and his dada come and have dinner round our house?" I'm shocked from his question.

"I don't know darling you'll have to ask them." I feel like it would be rude to say no, even though I hardly know Harry, but I don't want to make my son upset. He proceeds to ask Harry in which he says yes, we exchange numbers and I say I'll text him later.

"Bye beautiful Amelia." Harry says.

"Bye bye Brett's mummy, bye Brett." Dylan waves, then walks away with his dad.

We finish the shopping and then make our way home to start the cooking.


"Bitch!" My best friend Laurence lets himself into my house like he usually does.

"Language!" I scold, pointing to my son so he know that he shouldn't be swearing, he apologises then makes his way into the kitchen where I am currently making the dinner.

"Language!" I scold, pointing to my son so he know that he shouldn't be swearing, he apologises then makes his way into the kitchen where I am currently making the dinner

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"I got the best dick last night." He whispers, making me roll my eyes.

"Didn't you get the best last week too?" I playfully glare.

"No this one tops it." He brightly smiles. "How about you, don't you need some dick in your life."

"No!" I yell. Brett runs into the kitchen with my phone in his hand.

"Mama, Harry is calling." He hands me my phone and I see Laurence raise his eyebrows, I just turn away and press answer.


"Hiiii." Harry breathes down the phone. "Harry was wondering when we should come over." I look at the clock to see that it is now four, so I tell him to arrive at five thirty.

"Okay, bye beautiful Amelia."

"Bye, Harry." I hang up first and turn back around to see that Laurence is still staring at me.

"Who is Harry?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Brett's friend's father ." I say. "Brett invited them over for dinner, thought it would be rude if I said no." I shrug.

"Well I don't want to intrude, I was only stopping to give you your laptop back, although you might want to clear the history because I forgot." He chuckles making me scrunch my nose up in disgust. "Bye babe, bye Brett!" He walks to the door.

"Bye uncle Laurence!" Brett yells after him.

Once it gets to five thirty, I start to set the table waiting for Harry and Dylan to arrive, as I am in the middle of setting the knives and forks the door goes. I open to see Harry wearing a black jumper, skinny jeans and a bandana is wrapped around his head, some of his tattoos that I have only just seen poke out of the sleeves. I look to see Dylan matching his father.

 I look to see Dylan matching his father

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Hiii." Harry waves.

"Hello." Dylan also waves.

"Hey, come in." They walk in but Harry stops Dylan and turns to face me. "Shoes." He points down at his brown Chelsea boots.

"Oh, you can leave them by the door if you want." They take their shoes off and Dylan asks where Brett is so I give him the directions to his bedroom, now it is just Harry and I.

"Harry thinks the food smells nice." He smiles as he follows me to the kitchen, he asks if he can sit on one of the kitchen stools and I say of course.

"Harry is sorry again." I look up to see him frowning at the floor. "Stupid Harry." He lightly hits his head making me rush over to him.

"Hey, hey stop that." Now that I know he is autistic I sort of knew that things like this would happen, but what was he upset about. "Why are you sorry Angel?" My eyes widen at the nickname and I try to play it cool and hope he never heard me.

"For hugging you, Harry shouldn't of done it,  made Amelia sad. Harry doesn't like making people sad, makes Harry sad." He goes to hit his head again but I gently grab his arm.

"It's okay." I smile stroking his hair, I quickly pull away after realising what I was doing, I turn away and go to dish out the dinner.

"That felt nice." I thought I heard Harry mumble.


That was chapter two, hope you enjoyed it.

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