Chapter 14: Extinguished Fires

Start from the beginning

"Molly and Mandy are here, they're helping but the others will definitely help. Rosanna is here, she said she felt the need to be here tonight. Looks like she was right. Ro! Over here!" Wade called Lady Rosanna Pansino over. Ro was a strong elf, intuition was practically her middle name.

"Mark, hey! I need you to do a headcount of the entire pack." Even amidst this chaos Ro was regal. All four feet and ten inches. Her eyes narrowed once she saw Jack. Why do people keep doing that to Jack? I can't think of that now, I have to make sure everyone's out of the buildings so we can put out the fire.

"Ro, I'm so sorry, but I need you to bring Pamela, Louise, Zoe and Joe, and Tyler Oakley here. I know teleporting others tires you, but I swear by my pack that I will owe you." It was risky, maybe too risky to ask this of her. Especially having swore on my pack, but these are desperate times.

"Are you sure you should've done that?" Jack asked after pulling me to the side. I shook my head.

"Of course I'm not sure, but as the Alpha I have to sacrifice to keep my people safe. I could use your help Jack, but if you don't want to help then I want you far away from here. I want you safe." I tentatively took his hand and kissed it, then let go.

"Go," He whispered, "I'll help get people out."

I nodded, and took off. I needed to get to the chain houses, with those twelve houses so close the pack members who live there could be in danger. I needed to make sure they got out. I held my hand over my mouth and nose once I got closer. The first six houses were already on fire.

I called out, banging on the doors and windows. It seemed everyone got out of the first four houses. I banged on the fifth, and heard someone crying. Oh, no...

"Luke?!" I yelled, kicking the burning door down and peering inside.

"Mark!" Luke wailed. "Please! Help me!"

"Don't worry, Luke, tell me where you are. I need you to stay calm for a few seconds. Please, tell me where you are." I asked, lowering my voice so he didn't panic more.

"Um... I hid in the cabinet by the fridge." Luke answered, banging on the wall. I followed that sound, skirting past burning furniture. The kitchen wasn't bad, but if I didn't get to Luke quickly we'd be trapped.

"Luke, open the cabinet, I'm gonna get you out of here." I said, and Luke pushed open the cabinet and jumped down. He ran into my arms and sobbed once before wiping away his tears. "Are you okay, bud?"

"Don't worry, Mark! I'm a tough boy." I picked him up and went through the hallway. We'd need to get out by the back door. Luke was a strong kid, and I trusted that he would bounce back from this.

"Kiddo, why didn't you get out? There seems to be nothing stopping us from getting out." There was almost no fire back here, but the fire was spreading quickly.

"Because of that." Luke pointed to something as we rounded a corner. I gasped, clutching Luke tighter. A hellhound sat staring at us. He stood, and seemed to grin before dropping a rolled paper and running off. I shuddered but grabbed the paper and exited the building. I went around to the front of the house and set Luke down. I sat on my feet so I'd be closer to his height.

"Run off kid, find your dad." I said.

"I wanna be an Alpha just like you. Thank you, Mark." Luke hugged me with a smile. I grinned, and pushed him towards the pack. Pamela ran up to me, panting.

"Mark! I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. He just ran in and-"

"Wow, Pamela take a breath. Now tell me what happened."

"Mrs. Fischbach went in to get some people out. She got trapped. Jack... Mark, Jack went in to get her. We think someone poured gasoline in a few of the houses to keep the fire going. Mrs. Fischbach is in one of the ones that had gasoline poured in it. Once the fire reached it..."

"Which house is it?" I asked, scanning the houses.

"It's the sixth, but Mark, you can't go in. We've tried." Pamela looked heartbroken, but she held it together. She set her hand on my shoulder.

"Pamela, my mom's in there. Jack is in there." I said, pushing her hand off.

"It's Jack!" Someone shouted. I turned to the sixth house, and sure enough Jack was coming out. He was holding someone, presumably my mom. Oh thank all things good, they were safe.

I ran up to them, shielding my eyes from the brightness of the fire behind Jack and my mom. Jack stood tall and calm, but I knew he was far from calm. The frantic look in his eyes gave him away, along with the tears staining his cheeks. His lips were moving, like he was talking to her. Jack stumbled, and bent down to set mom down. I finally reached them and stopped, horrified.

"Mrs. Fischbach?! Please, talk to me!" Jack cried out. "You were just talking, come on Mrs. Fischbach. Tell me more about that shop you wanted to build. Please... You're gonna be okay, please, just talk to me!"

My hand was over my mouth, and I fell to my knees and emptied my stomach. My mom was badly burned, and... I couldn't even think of it. She was... dead. There was no way she was still alive.

A sob pushed through my throat, and I felt tears falling. I could hear Jack trying to get her to talk, but he couldn't seem to accept that she was gone. I felt someone's hand on my back as they tried to pull me away from the scene. I let then pull me away, glancing at Jack.

"You were in my arms. You were okay..." Jack now sat holding his knees, shaking badly. When I saw mom again I felt acidic bile rise, and though I had nothing in my stomach I threw up again. When I stopped Jack's eyes caught mine.

"Mark... She was okay. She... I had her in my arms. She was telling me about that shop she wanted. Said she would paint my nails one day. Said they'd have a little eye, it'd be green like my hair. Like it was a septic eye... I think that's cool..."

Tyler pulled Jack up so he was standing, leading him away as well. Jack pushed at Tyler, crying and protesting. I cried harder, my mom... seeing Jack like this... Amy hugged me, her tears coating my shirt but I didn't mind or care.

"Let me go, Tyler! I need to... I have to check on her!"

"Jack! Mrs. Fischbach is dead..." Tyler was pushed away by Signe. Signe hugged Jack, and he sobbed.

Time felt... stilled. Paused. I was still crying, and so was Amy. Many of the pack gathered around, and most were crying as well. Tyler Oakley, a fairy, had been flying overhead, bringing water to the houses. Louise, and Pamela who are mermaids were calling more water to them so that Princess Zoe and Prince Joe could use the water to help put out the fires. After the fires were finally put out, things were dark... It was now pitch black, and there was no moon in the sky. Princess Zoe and Prince Joe came up to me.

"From the Siren Court, and on behalf of the Order of the Kraken, we are sorry for your loss." Princes Zoe said. Princess Zoe and Prince Joe were the children of the Siren Queen, the Queen of mermaids. Princess Zoe and Prince Joe were extremely enchanting, and I felt myself nod solemnly.

"Sorry for your loss mate." Prince Joe said. Princess Zoe whacked his arm and scolded him.

"That's not consoling! Terribly sorry Mark, but we must take our leave. And Mark... You owe the Siren's court. Our help is not without a price." Princess Zoe warned.

"I understand." I nodded to her, and the pair became water that seeped into the ground and were soon gone. Bob and Wade came up to me and hugged me. Jack sniffled and poked them. They nodded and let him through to me. He looked hesitant, so I surged forward and fell shakily into his arms.

"I'm sorry, Mark," he whispered, "I'm so sorry..."

Word Count: 2132 words

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