Chapter 15

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His lips are sweet against mine but hot. They press onto mine with deep passion. His hands grip onto my waist, pulling our bodies together. His hands dig into my sides as mine rise into his hair. I can't help it, his kisses are amazing and addictive.

I shouldn't be kissing him but I can't help it. I need this, I do need him right now. My hands travel down his back and to his side. His hands travel under my top, making my skin tingle wherever he touches. Something begins building up as the kisses become even more heated.

Wait. My brain yells at me. I pull back, breathing heavily and take a step backwards. "Stop."

"I'm sorry I just needed to do that."

"Carter that wasn't a good idea."

"But it proved me right. You have feelings for me."

I try to deny it but cannot find the words. "Okay that's not why I came here."

"You came here because you want to marry me then leave me forever."

"Don't say it like that."

"That's exactly what your trying to do but it won't happen."

"Our union was never about us being in love. It was about refueling the magic that's it."

He shakes his head, "no it's not."

"This is going to sound really bad but you set yourself up to get hurt. You set your heart on someone you had never met and didn't know anything about. You fell in love with me before you even knew my name and ever since I got here all you have done is push your feelings onto me. That's not fair Carter."

"I know the way you came here and found out about all of this wasn't the best but I thought you would give me a chance."

"A chance to what Carter? Fall in love with you? Were too different for this to work."

"Were not that different. We care about our families, our friends, our homes, our worlds, other people..."

"We have different views on protection. You think kill, I think arrest. This world is crazy. I mean mine has so many problems but not pirates and magic. Yeah mine have guns but they have a chance of not working, your problems are more than what I can handle."

He pauses, "Look I don't know what I expected but I do know how I feel about you and not because were destined but because your amazing. Your beautiful, smart, can handle yourself and your not afraid to speak out."


"No you are all those things and much more. I don't deserve you. Your right I have been doing things the easy way rather than the hard. I should be taking more of an interest in these pirates but I haven't."

I sigh, "Then change things. Set up a team that's only focused on the pirates. Capture some and find out what is going on. Find out whose in charge. The more you know about them the better."

"I will."


A silence falls over us, "is there any way I can win favor with you."

"I don't know, maybe start by telling me everything. I know there are things your keeping from me and I want to know especially if it involves me."

"Alright." He grabs a shirt and sits down with me following. "What do you want to know?"

"Everything about this marriage and what is meant to happen."

"As you know our union refuels the magic between the worlds. The ceremony is very simple and traditional. Vows and gifts are exchanged then we..." He clears his throat. "Consummate it."

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