Chapter 12

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I moan as I eat my third biscuits. "These are amazing." She blushes. 

"Thank you your grace." I tried to get her to call me Amy but she wouldn't go for it. 

"These are lovely. Even the chef at the palaces cookies aren't this good." 

I look at Nina, "you've had cookies and not told me?" 

"Don't you know where the kitchen is?" 

"You are showing me as soon as we get back." She laughs. 

That's when the others join us. The women, whose name I don't know, and Raff both bow. "How are you doing Maggie?" Charlotte greets. 

"Very well your majesty." 

"I see you've been testing some of Maggies delights." She takes a cookie and so does Piper who beams at the women after one bite. "As always Maggie baked to perfection." 

"Thank you your majesty." 

"They are perfect. I mean I love the bakery round the corner from home but damn these even been Franks." They all just stare at me. 

"You praise too much your grace." 

Charlotte nods, "as your goods have impressed the Queen I believed we could come to an agreement for you to work with the palace chef." 

"Really?" She stares at her in shock. 

"We can do that?" I question. 

"Of course. The palace is yours as much as it is Carters. If you wish to employ Maggie then you may." 

"I can't close her shop down. Everyone needs to eat it." 

Charlotte thinks for a moment before walking outside. I follow and find her looking at a building across the square. "How about a change of venue Maggie?" Maggie comes outside and looks from Charlotte to the building and back again. 


"It's yours." She looks at me. "I'll pay for the building and more staff. The best of everything. I'm sure we can get some equipment from my world to make your life a little easier." 

"You would do that for me?" 

"You can send your goods up to the palace for daily or weekly delivers and when we have a celebration I will ask for you to use the kitchen in the palace. Of course you will be well paid." 

Maggie has tears in her eyes as she speaks, "thank you." 

"I will arrange for someone to come and talk through plans." Charlotte smiles. 

After getting a pack of the biscuits she had made we head off to the rest of the town. "Thank you Charlotte." 

"That was on you. Your helping that women." 

"But its not my money helping her." 

She laughs, "it now. Your the Queen Amy whatever is ours is yours. That's the way this works." 

Once again I'm reminded of the pressure. "Where to next?" 

"There is a lovely jewlerry stall up here." We continue walking up.


Getting back to the castle were laughing about the accent the man who tried to hit on Piper had. She's blushing like mad but laughing none the less. 

I look across the courtyard only to find a group of men coming towards us, all soaked and shirtless. Including a certain king. Charlotte and the others walk towards them whereas I stop. I can't deny his hot I never have but I can't just look at that. Charlotte hugs one of the other men and Charles tries to soak Nina ending up with a punch to the stomach. 

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