Chapter 6

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Piper's face turns to terror and her eyes fill with fear. The man grabs her arm. Oh hell no. "Get your hand her off." He turns to me.

"Excuse me."

"Clear your ears out. I said get your hand off her before I break it."

"And who do you think you are?"

Realising Piper is in pain from his grip I shove him off her. "I'm the person whose going to kick your ass if you don't fuck off." I move Piper behind me knowing men who think they control women get angry very quickly and that anger leads to violence.

"What is going on here?" Charles yells as he comes rushing over.

"This one thinks she can tell me what to do. Even pushed me, the cheek of it."

Charles looks at me then Piper then the man, "do you know how you address Lord Kardoff? This is Queen Amy."

The man looks at me in shock, "I apologise for my actions your majesty. My daughter was speaking out of turn."

"Actually she wasn't. She was telling me how her siblings and family are treating her."

The man shakes his head, "Piper tends to tell tales."

The women who rejected Piper joins them come dashing over. A tall, thin and rather pretty women steps alongside the man. "Piper causing trouble once again. Oh father I tried to keep her with me."

Piper shakes her head. Infuriated I step forwards, "so your calling me liar then. I saw you push her away from your little group.  Unless your thick as shit, I assume you know that to keep someone with you means to accept them, not shoving them away."

She tries to form a sentence but looks more like a fish. I turn to the man, "And you. The father." I say with spite. I take Pipers arm raising it to show a hand print. "I see your an abuser as well as a liar and rude asshole."

"Your majesty I assume you that was an accident."


"What is going on?" Oh yay Carter joins us.

"I'm discovering more and more about the world you run and I'm getting more and more disgusted."

"What?" He looks confused.

"Fathers abusing daughters, allowing perverts to walk in here and take the piss out of others, not to mention forcing young girls into marriage. No wonder your trying to force me, you think this shit is right." I glare at him.

"Your majesty I assure you..."

"Silence." Charles commands.

Carter turns to Piper, "step forwards." She moves round me and stands in front of him nervously.

"Going to interrogate her. Add that to the list of abuse she's gone through tonight." I continue to glare at him.

"I'm only asking if she is alright." He looks at her. "Let me see your arm." She raises it for him and he inspects it for a moment before turning to the Lord. "Your accused of abuse and forcing into marriage, what do you say for yourself?"

"I am well in my right to marriage my children off as the law states. As for the abuse, it was an accident. I do not harm my daughters."

"My King I am evidence that my father does not abuse." The sister pipes up.

Carter looks at Piper, "how old are you?"

"Thirteen my King."

He turns back to the Lord. "Very well. I will be inquiring into the abuse as you well know it is not allowed by law to abuse spouse nor children."

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