Chapter 1

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Dark and raining, well welcome to Hornchurch, England where it rains an awful lot and is not likely to change this summer. There are the hot days and then there are these days where the sky is filled with dark and glumly clouds that throw down thousands upon thousands of droplets of water to torture the living and dampen the non living buildings and items of the town.

I do love the rain sometimes but mainly when I am happily warm inside my house and can just hear the water fallings onto the building I call my home. Right now I decided to head out into town to get some food for my dinner and a nice bottle of vodka to get me through the night of Disney films I had planned.

Luckily I only had to wait two minutes for my bus but it was two minutes too many. I was drenched from head to toe causing my black, skinny jeans to tighten on my legs and my jumper to soak through to my t-shirt sticking it to my body in the process. After climbing onto the bus and taping my card to pay I take a seat at the back next to the window. The bus begins moving rather quickly and soon the town is passing me by in a flash of colours.

I am not very talented with art but I can appreciate the images colours blending can make. I have visited a few art galleries and museums as part of my job as private investigator. It is not the most secure job in the world but it pays rather well and means I get to travel which is something I have a passion for. Oh and of course it means I get some fighting action as well. At least one in ten of my jobs gets me into a sort of combat situation and usually ends with them in worse shape than me.

Finally they say my stop and I hop off. It's only a short walk but due to the downpour that doesn't look to be halting any time soon I dash towards my house and unlock my door, closing it behind me. I put my dinner on the table side in the kitchen before going to get changed, I put on a pair of tracksuit bottoms and a white t-shirt. Heading back downstairs I make myself a drink of vodka and Pepsi Max then head into the living room.

I press play and my film continues from where I left it off. I have the house to myself tonight as my parents are on a trip to see my Aunt Lois who lives in Ireland and my older brother is on holiday with his friends from university to celebrate the completion of their degrees. Ryan has just completed a degree in computer's something or other. He already has a job set up in London at a high tech company. So it's just me and my Chinese tonight.

Growing up I had a very good childhood and honestly my family are one of the best. My parents told me when I was younger that I was adopted by them and to be honest it was the best thing that could have happened. Sure I would have loved to know my real parents and had tried to find out more about them but the files didn't have any details so I accepted that they gave me away for whatever reason. You would think that being adopted would have changed my life the way others dramatize it but it's didn't. No one treated me differently and I believe I was one of the lucky ones.

Now we've grown up and things will soon be changing in the Bridge household as both Ryan and I are planning on moving out. He wants to move to London to be closer to work and I want to do some more travelling before taking on another job. My client list still needs to grow but that takes more time.

My phone goes off, "hello?"

"Hello darling. Just wanted to check in that you were alright."

"I'm fine Mum. All good in the house."

"That's good. We've just come back from dinner."

"How's the family?"

"All fine here. Your father is playing with the little ones. Oh I can remember when you two were that small." I laugh.

"They say time flies."

"True. I'm glad your fine. Give me a message in the morning."

"I will do."

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