Chapter 4

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We finally come to a stop by a large waterfall. She graciously jumps from her horse and pats her horse. Me however, I don't know how to get down. I look down nervously. I'm not the best with heights I must say. I will make do with them but this is a bigger challenge. I have to get down from something that has a mind of it's own.

Charlotte comes over, "need some help."

"What do you think?" I sarcastically ask.

She laughs. "Unhook your right foot and swing it over." I try to and end up falling backwards off the end of the horse. I groan as I hit the floor. "Are you alright?"

I stand up, "I'm walking back."

She rolls her eyes and heads down to the lake area below. I follow after her leaving the horses with the two soldiers. When I catch up I find her by a tent. The tent has a bed set up and looks very roomy. "Why is there a tent so far out? Did you set that up?"

"It's always been here. It's been changed over the years of course." I give her a confused look. "It's called the honeymoon tent."

"Right. Why not?"

She laughs, "it's traditional that the newly wedding consummate their marriage in that tent."

"How many people have used it?"

"Only royals. It's been a while." She looks at me with raised eyebrows.

"Well it can be unused for a while longer. Unless you or Charles are tying the knot anytime soon?"

"Not that I'm aware of." She laughs. "Come on." She begins pulling her dress off so she is left with only her under.....dress? Is that what it's called. Then she runs into the lake. I shake my head but take my shoes off and then my trousers. I pull my top over my head and she asks, "what is that?"  I look at her confused. She indicates to my bra.

"It's what humans wear."

"Interesting. You must ask the tailor to make some for us both. They look far more comfortable than a corset."

"Yeah they sound like hell." She laughs.

We end up having a splash fight before the sounds of hooves pounding along the ground halt us. We both move towards the shore when Charles bursts through the tree line. He laughs, "typical sister."

"We were here first." She puts her hands on her hips and stares down her brother as three more horses appear. One holding a sweaty Carter. His eyes travel the length of me making me go for my clothes.

"Wow. She's even more beautiful than you described Carter." One of the men says as he jumps down from his horse.

They all demount. "I'm Maxwell and this is Daniel." The other man tells me. "It's an honour to meet you."

"Let me guess he didn't tell you I'm not marrying him."

Maxwell laughs, "he told us don't worry. Ranted for a good ten minutes." Carter shoves him and moves towards us.

"What are you doing down here alone?"

"Last time I checked, the only permission I needed to do anything was my own."

Charlotte stands next to me, "we were just cooling off Carter."

"It's dangerous out here. I thought you were showing her the town."

"Relax brother." Charles comes over, pulling his shirt off. "They have two warriors and now us."

"Come on Carter. Let the girls relax a little. It's sweltering out here today." Daniel says with a smile in my direction. It's not a flirty smile but a genuine one.

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