Chapter 13

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After Nina said about having the way, I put her to bed and collected all the maps hiding them so if anyone came in they wouldn't know what we are up to. After that was all dealt with I head back to my room where I find three people waiting for me.

"Is this an intervention?"

"Sort of." Charlotte states.

Piper asks, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Why?" I walk over to the wardrobe and throw some trousers and a top onto my made bed.

"Well you said a lot of things to Carter and we thought you needed to let some things out."

"I let them out. Look you all want me to be this great ruler but I'm not."

"Not yet." Charlotte steps closer to me. "They boys may not understand but us girls do, none of this is easy on you and you aren't going to be perfect but your trying."

"Trying? Charlotte what is there to try. I don't want to..."

"Carter told me about the kiss."

Piper and Madison, who I hadn't noticed enter, both gasp. Piper beams, "he kissed you. What was it like? When?"

"Look it shouldn't have happened. Carter is only making this worse. I needed time and he pushed it." I remove my shoes and walk behind the changing screen.

"He was being spontaneous." Piper tries.

"You didn't exactly reject him." Nina inputs.

"That doesn't mean it should have happened." I groan changing my trousers over.

"You still enjoyed it. You won't admit it but you feel something for my brother and that is the reason you won't leave."

"You can't keep her here Charlotte." Thank you Nina.

"I'm not suggesting we are but this could work."

Coming out dressed I throw my dirty clothes into a basket. "My heads spinning can we talk about something else."

"Breakfast?" Madison suggests and I nod.

"Best offer I've had." I smile at her before walking out. They all follow with Charlotte and Piper practically planning my wedding and me and Nina sharing looks about our plan.

I need to see my family and no one, especially not a bunch of royal magicians from a parallel planet, is going to stop that.

We arrive finding the two men in deep conversation that halts the moment I arrive. It's either about me or about something I shouldn't know about. I favour the first but the latter is a close second.

We sit down. Charles beams at me, "heard you hired someone."

"Yeah a bakery owner. She's amazing."

"I'm sure she will fit right in."

Charlotte rolls her eyes, "she will be fine and if your going to have a conversation about someone don't have it in here. It looks rather suspicious." She grabs a piece of bread. 

I begin loading my plate and as I reach for the butter my eyes meet the beauties across from me. He looks like he wants to say something but doesn't know what or how to word it. I try to ignore it by engaging others in conversation, "so what is everyone up to today?" 

Charles answers first, "I am off for a few days." 

"Where to?" 

"Some of the Islands north are experiencing some pillagers and we think its the pirates hitting again." He looks worried.

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