Chapter 8

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The training rooms are nothing as I predicted. As you enter, it appears to be larger than it looks as though by magic. Oh yeah they probably made the room expand without having to expand the castle walls. The size takes me by surprise but not as much as the equipment and what looks to be steel walls.

There are punching bags, weights, cubicles I can see at the back that look like training areas. I'm lead through and to the back wall where four glass containers stand. Each must be able six or seven feet wide and maybe twenty feet long. They are all connected and within each one at the back against the wall is a engraved drawing. I assume these represent which element connects to which container.

As we get closer I notice Alias and three other magicians (I presume). Standing just off from them is Nina who looks like she's been getting in some water practice. She wears a black outfit that looks more for my world than this one. Her hair is plaited down her back and her attention is on her trainer who is talking to her in hush tones.

The one who looks the worst though is Carter who stands alongside Alias. His eyes look tired and he looks worried. Unlike his siblings his not giving me any confidence at all. Upon hearing our steps he looks up and directly at me. His eyes brighten a little but not by much as the darkness under his eyes seems to destroy it.

Alias smiles brightly at me though, "ah Amy welcome to the training rooms."

I take another look around, "let me guess you designed it from my world."

"We did take some notice from the gymnasiums your world's humans train in."

"It's nice." I look at the four containers nervously before turning back. "So do we have to flip a coin to see who goes first? Or do you decide?"

They all remain silent. Nina is the one to answer, "I've already done the tests."

"Wait what?" I look at Carter and Alias. "You said it started at twelve."

"Your turns at twelve. Mine was at half ten. I don't know why they wouldn't want you to see how it's really done."

"Carter that's not fair." Charlotte defends me.

"It is in the right of the two competitors to decide whether they wish for the other to see them or not."

"Right then get the fuck out." 

"Nina has already made that claim. The first one is the only one." 

I move towards the man, "listen here. I am tired and about this close to knocking you ass over tit. Let's hope you know to fix a broken nose." I'm pulled back by Charles. 

"Amy calm down."

I don't go after him again but no way am I done with this cocky asshole. "Jumped up little shit." I huff.

"Shall we begin." Alias calls. He comes over to me. "Before you begin there are some things you must know. You will begin at the end with Air and follow through to fire. You may pause before each of the tests if you wish to and you cannot leave until all four have been completed. Do you understand?"

"Unfortunately yes."  

"Take your time and think of all you've learnt."

"That's not much to go on."

"Still remain calm and try your best." I nod. "Enter when your ready." I move down to the air container.

Charlotte and Charles come to my sides. "You can do this Amy. You just need to focus your power."

"Thank you both for helping me."

"Good luck." Charlotte smiles at me before stepping backwards. I step forwards and the glass disappears. I walk inside the container and the glass reappears behind me. I swallow hard as I look at the wind drawing on the wall nervously.

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