Chapter 3

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To say I slept like a log would be a understatement. Not sleeping for a few days does that to a person. I didn't even dream or at least I don't remember it. However, the wake up call I will never forget.

Let's just say the door being thrown open and two women coming in. One, short and plump with short brown hair and the other is a young girl, possibly about fourteen. The girl is clearly related to women but the door opening was not what woke me up, it was the women screeching at me asking why I'm in bed.

"What? Who are you?"

"Listen I know you've had a lot on your plate dear but there is no point in sulking away in bed." She goes to talk further but I cut her off.

"What time is it?" I rub by eyes.

"Nearly 7. You should be up and ready for breakfast."

"7 in the morning." I look at the women. "What the fuck is wrong with you people?" I lay back down. "Why are you even in here?"

"Well, I'm Marie and this is my daughter Maddison. Were here to get you dressed and clean you right up."

I glare at her, "I can myself dressed thanks in a few hours." I roll over, burying my face in the pillow.

"Now come on. Stop being silly. Breakfast starts in twenty minutes." She comes over pulling the covers off me. I stand up, right in front of her.

"Listen women. I've been getting myself dressed for several years and I sleep in until I want to get up so you can go help someone else get ready." I stare her down. "That's not changing, no matter what world I'm in."

"What's going on in here?" I turn to see Charlotte standing there.

"Are you people trying to piss me off?"

"Marie? What happened?"

"Nothing my lady. I only came to wash and dress the Queen." Marie looks at me with a confused and rather nervous look.

I take a breath, "look you have customs here that I don't and never will so lets set some rules until I can go home. I can dress myself, I can get up in the morning by myself and I can certainly wash myself."

"I'm only doing my job my lady." Marie defends herself.

"I'm not a lady and not a queen. I'm a human being same as you."

They all share looks. Great I'm missing something. "Marie isn't human Amy. None of us are, humans only live on your Earth."

I take a step backwards, "so what are you then?"

"Were shifters, cat shifters." I stare at her in shock.

"Your a werecat?"

"There is a long name for it but werecat will do I suppose." Marie nods.

"Okay. Funnily enough that's not the weirdest thing I've heard lately." I wipe my hand down my face. "Look I don't need to be looked after so your relieved of your duties as my..."

"Please don't. I need this job."

"But I don't need....servants." I look at Charlotte for some help.

"You will keep your job Marie and will be here for Amy when she needs you. Assistance with getting use to this life and this world." Charlotte looks at me. "Marie's family go back thousands of years. She can help you."

"Fine." I huff. "I'm awake now, I might as well get ready."

"What would you like to wear?" Marie asks moving to the wardrobe. She opens it to reveal several rather nice dresses.

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