Chapter 5

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The next day wasn't any better than the one before. I got woken up by Maddison who told me it was eight in the morning and she had been told to wake me up. I hate being woken up but I can't take it out on the girl.

I washed and got dressed before heading to breakfast. I sat at the opposite end and completely ignored Carter. "Morning."

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" Charlotte asks.

"Alright I suppose." I begin loading my plate and eating. "You?"

"I couldn't sleep to well. Too excited for tonight."

I swallow my piece of bacon, "what's happening tonight?"

"There's a party tonight to honour your arrival. Lords and ladies are coming from all over the world."

"Yay." I sarcastically comment.

"Oh come on."

"I don't want a party." I grab a piece of bread, taking a large bite out of it.

Charlotte rolls her eyes, "well it's too late. Were having a party and your the special guest."

"Charlotte as nice as it sounds. It's not a good idea. Remember, not giving the people hope."

She ignores me, "oh and you need to choose your ladies."


"Yes. Every royal or high born has ladies to accompany her, give advice, help with anything."

"I don't need ladies."

"Tough. Tonight you can choose yours. Mine will be here soon, they were visiting their family for a week. Marian and Lisa will love you." She gives me a stern but playful look. "You don't have a choice."

"Seems that sentence runs in your family."

She shrugs it off and rats on about her ladies then all of the lords/ ladies who will arrive. I pretend to be listening and focus on the delicious food. As soon as I finish she drags me off to her room.

Two ladies wait inside. Both are thin, tall girls who wear beautiful dresses and have their hair platted. "Oh my. It's a pleasure to meet you your majesty."

"Please call me Amy."

"What an honour." One responds.

"This is Marian and that is Lisa. They are twins as you can tell." Charlotte smiles.


"Carter is very lucky." Lisa comments with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"You are very lucky as well. Carter is a very handsome man." Marian states. "Don't you think so?"

"No. I think his a fucking asshole." I smile at the end whilst they just stare at me.

"You don't like him? But your marrying him."

"Ladies." We all turn to Charlotte. "Remember what I said about Amy being new to this and about things not going to plan."

"There's a plan?" Charlotte looks at me and I smile innocently.

"We are taking things slowly. Let's focus on something else." She goes to a box and brings it over to the table. "I had these made for us." She opens the box and I peer to find about four different coloured bras. She takes one out, "would you show us how we use these?"

I stare for a minute. This world is beyond weird at times. "Sure."


That was the oddest but rather funny time I've ever had trying on bras. They had to be shown how to put it on and secure it. Funnily enough it is more difficult than you think to show someone how to put one on.

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