Chapter 9

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Maddison and Marie dashes off to get me some fresh clothes, food and water the instant I was laid on my bed. I wouldn't say I'm in shock but I am tired and drained mentally from the tests and anticipation. My brain hurts to think about how I feel about everything.

Marie comes over, "I'm drawing you a bath dear. That will relax all your muscles and clean you up nicely. You just rest there." I nod not trusting my voice to say anything nor do I feel like talking.

The bath didn't take too long to prepare and soon enough Marie was helping me undress. If it wasn't for everything I would have been embarrassed about being naked. The soothing water rushing over my body helping remove the grime and relax the muscles. I close my eyes but sense myself drifting off so decide to keep them open. I wash myself down before climbing out and changing into some light and thin trousers.

"Specially made for you. They are perfect for you." I put the top on before going towards the bed. "Not yet missy. You need some decent food and drink before you sleep."

Not in the mood for arguing I sit at the table as Maddison arrives. She puts several trays in front of me and a plate. I eat plenty of meat and potatoes as well as bread. Once I had drunk three glasses of water I was allowed to collapse on my bed. Marie closes the curtains but leaves the balcony doors open to get plenty of air into the room.

I don't even hear them leave as my eyes and sleep takes hold.


I woke about an hour ago and moved straight out onto the balcony. My mind is calmer and clearer. I hear the door open and listen as the footsteps head this way. A body appears next to me, "are you alright?" I don't turn to face him.

"I don't know."

"I know you went through much in those tests and I am sorry that you had to. I shouldn't have let you do it, maybe if I had acted a bit more like a King I could have...."

"Don't beat yourself up about it." I interrupt. "You couldn't have argued with a proof of abilities or whatever you call it."

"I still feel as though I've let you down. All of my attempts to at least get you to talk to me and I've lessened my chances even further."

"Maybe not."

"What do you mean?" I turn to face him to find his worrying look staring at me.

"I believed this was a mistake. You had sent them to get the wrong person but it wasn't until I was in there fighting for my life against those tests that I realised what I can actually do. I've loved magic in books and films."

"What are films?"

"Never mind. The point is I've always wanted powers and you telling me about magic didn't make me believe until I was doing it."

Worrying look disappearing a shocked one takes over, "you believe in the prophecy."

"I don't know. I certainly believe in magic now. My doubt in it is that others are better. I'm a pretty sure Nina is better."

"Not at Water magic."

"Okay maybe I claim that one but the others. I was rather hopeless at Fire magic and barely survived the other two."

He moves closer, "don't doubt yourself. You are capable of far more than you think. You only need time and a good teacher."

"Are you offering to train me?" I look at him meeting those beautiful blue eyes that lock onto my boring brown ones.

"Would you accept if I offered? I am better at Fire magic than the others masters. I am average on the others as well. So would you allow me to train you?" His eyes show such hope and I do need a teacher.

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