Chapter 7

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I sit on the step in my room. I know I lost my temper in there but I wasn't wrong and I won't apologise for it. If there is one thing I can't stand is men thinking they better than women or have the right to claim them as property. I've dealt with far too many cases of abused women being a PI and lets just say I've seen the worst.

I groan at the thought of this test. He said something about elemental magic so I can assume the test is about that. I can't do magic so tomorrow god knows what's going to happen to me. The biggest worry I have that runs through my mind if we are tested by elements is whether I will come out of it alive. Elements includes fire and water, I can't breathe under water and I certainly am not fire proof.

The door flies open making me jump out of my skin. Charlotte storms out, "what are you doing just sitting there? We need to practice."

"Practice what? I can't do magic."

"You don't know because you haven't tried. Plus you need to have a magic empowerment before you can use it. It's either being exposed to magic or in a situation where your life depends upon the magic inside you."

I stand up, "Charlotte my world hasn't got any magic. I've never been exposed and if it was a life or death situation then I will die."

"You cannot think like that."

"Carter was wrong. Nina is the Queen your waiting for why can't you accept it."

"Because she's not. Amy when the scrolls of prophecy arrived about you there was a drawing. The drawing is of you but for your safety we tried to hide it. It was discovered and burnt so you wouldn't be able to be found. The only thing we knew for sure was that you were at that orphanage."

"So you sent them to get me?"

She nods and takes a seat on the chair, "we knew you had to be raised in your world so we let them train you there until you were ready. When you hadn't arrived, Carter sent the magicians after you thinking you were in danger."

"I wasn't though."

"We didn't know the wrong child had been taken by the magicians and raised. This is a dangerous situation were in. If someone tricked the magicians into taking the wrong child then why? Who knew about you and where you would be? Who would have been able to get to you or who wanted to stop the prophecy?"

"Are you expecting me to answer these?"

She shakes her head, "of course not but it begs questioning because something as important as the union of two worlds cannot hold any mistakes. If you or Carter are under threat we need to know."

"Do I have a choice about the tests?" I know her answer but I need her to say it.

"They will force you into the cells."

"Cells? What cells?"

"It's the training rooms below." I turn to Charles. He comes over standing behind another of the chairs in the room, gripping the top. "Young magicians train and then enter the cells as part of their tests to move onto the next stage."

"So what are these cells? What's in them?"

The siblings share a look of concern before Charles explains, "There are four cells, one for each of the elements. The test the magicians capabilities for each one."

"How though?"

"It differs. Sometimes for wind you will make to battle a storm and other times you have to lift object and throw them at targets. They are designed to be unpredictable and challenging. As yours is a competition test and for the title of Queen your going to face the hardest level."

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