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Henry Russels 

As usual, I wake up with the sunlight just hitting the treetops. Automatically, I look for my phone. The digital numbers tell me it's six thirty. It seems I slept about three and a half hours. Which is normal, I suppose.

After a quick shower, I put my jeans on with a henley T-shirt and go downstairs. Kitchen. Coffee. But when I get in the kitchen, I can see surprised faces looking at me. Then I feel something pulling on my jeans.

'You're new here. Who are you?'

A little boy is still pulling my pants, lifting his arms up to me as well. I wonder. I pick the little guy up and happy he puts his arms around my neck. 'I'm Henry. Who are you?' He can't be older than four years or something.

'Peter, let the man go.' Aman shows up with an apron on.

Stubborn as a child, Peter shakes his head and sticks his thumb in his mouth.

With a sigh, the man wipes his hands clean. 'I'm Trevor, I saw you last night.' Then he laughs.'Being a baker makes me in charge of breakfast here. Take a seat. Coffee?'

'That would be great, thank you.' I nod while sitting and Peter just sits on my lap. 'How big is the pack?'

Trevor gives me a cup of coffee. 'We count up to almost seventy people. However, not everybody is home. Vacation time and all.' He continues baking croissants, baguettes, and all sorts. 'If you're a traveler, where have you been already?'

I sip my coffee. I always drink it strong and black. I don't need that stuff like sugar or milk in it. Coffee is meant to be black and strong. Except for my addiction at Starbucks. That's the only exception. 'Here and there. Mostly through America.' 

'You travel? Really?' A girl asks curiously.

Her friend next to her nods.'Have you been to New York? I would love to go there. Go shopping and everything.' Both of them dream away from the idea.

'I have, actually.' I answer. 'Just like Florida, Georgia, Tennesse, Kentucky.' I've seen so much more. From the fifty states that America has, I've seen like thirty states. Then again, I travel for two years, so yeah, I've been at places. 'Well, I travel for two years, so you see a few things.'

Trevor sets a few things on the table. 'Eat while it's still warm.' He winks at me.

It turns out that's the only way to shut the children up for questioning me. Now they just grab what they can and eat it. Enjoying every piece. Even the crums gets to be eaten.

'You travel for two years?' The boy starts.

'What is the coldest place you've been?'

Another shakes his head. 'What is the hottest place you've been?'

'California is the hottest place. Especially Death Valley.' Collin comes in the kitchen. 'Finish your breakfast and let the man eat.'

They all bow their head. 'Yes, alpha.' They say in unity. For just a moment it's quiet but as soon as they're done, they run outside.

'Sorry, they can be quite overwhelming. I guess it's their questioning phase. Everybody gets the"why" questions.' Collin laughs while getting a coffee from Trevor. 'You're up early.'

I smile. 'It's okay.' I finish my coffee. Only to see that Trevor pours another one for me. 'Hearing them only makes me realize that I miss my own family.' My family never knew but I had to go. It's better for them.

'Why don't we go out for a walk?' Collin offers.

Gladly. I manage to drink my coffee up within a few moments. 'I love to be outside anyway.'

He goes ahead of me and towards the treeline. 'You made me think you were a lone wolf first.'

'It might look that way, but no. I'm not.' No one needs to know. I don't need to forget why I'm here. Wade really makes my life a living hell. So time to make him pay for it. This time I have a goal. His daughter. 'I have a family in Quebec.' Only what he needs to know.

'Well, I want to get to know you a little.' He looks at me. 'Since you'll be staying here. You are welcome to stay here as long as you want.'

This guy is definitely friendly, although I think there's also a dangerous side of him. He'snot someone who you want as your enemy. 'Thank you, but I can't stay here for long. I actually have hunters, who are trying to get to me. I'm good at the moment because they are off somewhere north.' I smile while thinking of my friend.

'Hunters? Anyone in particular?'

Slowly I nod. 'Wade Cooper, why? You know him?'

'As a matter of fact, I do.' Collin growls. 'He killed a few of my pack.'

A cunning smile crawls on my face. 'Well, he's hunting me for almost five months and I'm tired of it. So I came here to mess with his family.'

Now he smirks. 'So he messes with you and your gonna mess with him? Be careful and don't lead them all to my door. Or you'll be dealing with me.' His eyes glow yellow as a warning.

'I won't.' I assure him.'I'll just stay here for a few days and then I head to Santa Monica. That's where his wife and daughter live. I'm gonna hide right under his nose in plain sight. He'll never expect it.' I can see his face change. 'Collin, I will never want anyone else to get hurt because of me. You have my word on that.'

'And what is your word worth?' His face is all serious.

I can't blame him. He wants his pack to be safe, of course. 'It means a lot to me. It's like making a promise, and I have never broken a promise.' I snuff. 'I don't make a promise easily, Collin. Only if I know for sure that I can keep it.'

He relaxes visibly. 'I guess this is your promise to keep us out of it?'

'Yes.' I answer while looking him straight in the eye. 'That's the reason why I go to Santa Monica myself. I don't want anyone else in the crossfire. That is between Wade and me. You have nothing to do with that.'

It shows that I've earned his trust. 'Very well.' He nods. 'You would do well to have a title. Does your father have one?' 

This time to shake my head.'No, he's a warrior.' I let the forest sink in my head. Making me calm and relaxed. 


Just another surprise update. Thank you for your comment, reading, and the votes. I love it. The next update might be soon again. Don't know when but definitely this week twice. Honestly, I don't really have a planning, this story is completely finished so it doesn't really matter to me. 

Plus, I have a next (short) story in line waiting for you guys. 

Lots of love

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