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"Since you chose Bulbasaur, I'll give you this Mega Stone." Serena looked at the stone, that was almost the size of her palm. The blonde looked at it curiously as the professor talked with her friends. "Come now, you two. Pick your Pokemon." Calem and Shauna exchanged grins and went to the chest.

"I don't know which one to pick! It's so difficult!" Shauna pulled on one of her pigtails. Calem crossed his arms .

"Don't worry, take your time." He shyly glanced at Serena with a small smile, she was unaware though.


Fushigi noticed Calem looking at his trainer, he looked between them many times before he understood. Tierno and Trevor arrived after a few minutes of waiting. "Hi, Professor Sycamore." Tierno greeted. Trevor looked at all of them.

"What's this? Everyone is already here."

Sycamore smiled. "Wonderful! Everyone's all here. So now that we're all here, I would like to say a few words." He paused before speaking with a strong voice, "Be the best trainer you can be! At the same time, remember to have fun traveling with your Pokemon! Also, I want to ask for your help in solving the Kalos region's biggest Pokemon mystery: the secret and potential of Mega Evolution, a new kind of evolution that occurs in battle!" The teens listened in awe.

"That is why I gave you that Mega stone just now." The professor nodded to the stone Serena clutched in her hand. "It's an important clue!"

"Mega Evolution?" Trevor looked unsure. "What should we do about the Pokedex?" He asked.

The man smiled at him. "Trevor, my lad, if that's what "best Trainer" means to you, then I want you to go out there and complete that Pokedex!" Trevor glanced at him with shining eyes and a bright grin.

"Mega Evolution sounds very interesting~" Shauna commented.

"If you are investigating Mega Evolution, why don't you check out Camphrier Town?" The professor told her. "That town has a lot of history--you might find a hint there. Now listen. If you visit many different places to complete the Pokedex, you will probably see Pokemon with many ways of living and meet people with many ways of thinking. First, accept the ways of living and thinking that sometimes conflict with your own. And think about what's really important--this will truly broaden your horizons." He finished.

"I feel that being different from others makes me special. Mastering Mega Evolution will definitely set me apart from other trainers!" Calem said with determination. Serena smiled at him.

"That is amazing." He blushed and laughed.

"T-Thanks. What about you?"

"Hm?" Serena looked at each of them then down at Fushigi. The Bulbasaur blinked up at her. "Well, I want to travel and become stronger, you know, have fun..." She grinned. "I'm gonna go look around the city!" The blonde walked into the elevator.

When she walked out of the elevator, Serena overheard a man talking. "So, I will be able to meet them soon, then." The man had reddish-orange hair, the person he was talking with was Sina.

"Yes." She replied to him.

"The children chosen by the professor... I wonder what potential they have." He mumbled. Sina spotted Serena and motioned her over.

"And here's one of them... That's Serena. Come here a sec!"

Serena walked over, the Bulbasaur in her arms eyed the man suspiciously. "Hello."

"Oh! You received a Pokedex from the professor then... How wonderful!" He smiled, though it looked fake somehow. "That is a wonderful thing, indeed. You are one of the chosen ones. I am Lysandre." He introduced himself. Serena nodded.

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