A Lot of Evolutions

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"I feel like you all are getting even stronger than before." Serena complimented her team of Pokemon. They all gave a happy cry. The Trainer let them all out for a walk, it's been a while since they did this.

'So... how are you and Calem?' Sakura innocently asked. Serena's eyebrow twitched.

"Well, if you must know. I met him moments ago in Geosenge Town for a little bit and he walked away without complimenting my new outfit!" Serena ranted. Kaen looked at her clothes.

'I just noticed. Looks good.' The Litleo complimented with a grin. The blonde sighed and cuddled him.

"Thanks..." They continued walking, Sakura flying, through the path. Through some more training and accepting battle challenges. Fushigi glowed brightly. "Ooh!" Serena jumped excitedly. All the Pokemon had their eyes on the Ivysaur as he started to grow bigger.

"Saur!" The giant Seed Pokemon roared. Beautiful petals spouted from the plant on his back and rained down elegantly. Serena gave her new Venasaur a hug.

"That was Petal Dance! A beautiful one too!"

Serena exited Reflection Cave with her fully evolved team, excluding Hikari. She snoozed on the blonde's fedora. They all let out breathes of relief at being outside. Serena observed them with a smile. "You've all come a long way, now look at you." Kaen gave her a slobbery lick on the cheek. Serena laughed. "Gross!" The Pyroar snorted in laughter. Serena stopped by the Pokemon Center to heal her Pokemon before heading north of Shalour City.

"Hey, Seri!" Serena turned and saw Tierno, again, and Trevor. "How's your journey going? I love what you're wearing!" He asked.

"It's been... weird. And thanks" She smiled. Trevor smiled and waved.

"Hello, Serena! Let's compare our Coastal Kalos Pokedexes and see who has seen more kinds of Pokemon!" He took out his Pokedex and Serena did the same with hers and gave it to him. "To put it another way, I'm challenging you to my own kind of Pokemon battle. So, you've seen 53 kinds of Pokemon... I lost. How frustrating!" He whined and gave back her Pokedex.

Tierno danced a little. "Get this! I've found some great Pokemon dancers!" Serena smiled at him, Hikari covered her ears. The Pokemon was trying to get back to sleep.

"Oh yes, I just remembered. The professor told us to say hello to the Mega Evolution guru when we reached Shalour City..."

"That's right! He did say that!" Tierno nodded in agreement. "Ummm... Who were we supposed to say hello to again?" Serena and Trevor sighed.

"A person called the Mega Evolution guru." Trevor told him.

"Oh, that's right! He did say that! Well, I guess we should look for the Mega Evolution guru, then!" The heavy-set boy looked around in confusion. "Where do you think he is anyway?"

"I heard he's in that imposing building deep in the city--the Town of Mastery." Serena looked around and squinted. She could make out the tall building far away.

"I see it!" She ran toward the direction of the tower. Poor Hikari clung to the fedora as best as she could.

Serena stopped running once her feet touched the sand. The beach felt relaxing but she didn't have time for swimming. Tierno gave her a strange stone he found, thinking it might be a Mega Stone. "That's the Tower of Mastery? Sooo cool!" Tierno exclaimed. Serena was in awe too. "I'll go call Trevs, you go on." He insisted then walked back to the city.

The blonde stepped inside the tower and saw a giant statue of Lucario, but it looked different. I guess that's what Mega Evolution does to a Lucario, She thought. Serena spotted a door under the statue, it must be a small office. She opened it, inside was Korrina and an old man. The man looked over at her as the door opened.

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