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Mitch and Avi sat in the court room, behind them in the crowd was Nancy with Scott in her lap. The judge had just told them they could be seated and now she was placing her glasses on her nose.

"I see we have a custody dispute. Scott Grassi-Kaplan is only weeks old, he and three of his siblings were saved from an abusive home. Why do you think you'll get him back?" The judge asked Scott's biological parents, who looked like they hadn't slept in months and smelt like a pack of cigarets. "He's our son." Scott's "father" scoffed. "Scott was placed in foster care after you and your wife were arrested for having so many drugs in your home it went under intent to sell. The room you made the drugs in was directly beneath your nursery for Scott. Doesn't sound like good parenting, does it?" The judge asked. "Your honor, the Hoyings have worked hard to get to where they are now. Their son will be in good hands with his rightful parents." The Hoying's lawyer assured.

"Grassi-Kaplan's, your lawyer." The judge said kindly. The man representing them stood and fixed his suit coat, "Your honor, how have Scott's biological parents learned to mend their ways? I have reports that Mr. Hoying was recently arrested for starting a bar fight, only to be bailed out by his friend. Misses Hoying was caught trying to hide pot in her purse just last month and got a night in lock up. These people are unfit to care for an infant.

The Grassi-Kaplan couple are happily married. Yes, they might be newlyweds, but they care for Scott in ways that some wouldn't dream of. Avi quit his job as a highly paid job as a lawyer to become the owner of a small diner owner so he could spend his afternoons with his son. Mitch has refused promotions, knowing they would take more time that he could have with his son.

They have gone above and beyond for their new son. Their marriage is happy and stable, we have given each parent a mental evaluation, and we have given their home a surprise inspection. They always pay bills, they care for Scott and make him happy, they have steady jobs, and they have a happy marriage. Neither have criminal records or prison time, and neither have a history of abuse. What they do have is a very strong love for their son, who they don't want to give up." The man smiled.


The judge came back a while later with her decision. Everyone took their seats and watched her sigh. "This case, I believe, is the easiest no-brainer I've ever had. After listening to the staments and looking through the evidence and reports, I have made my decision." She said, stopping to cause suspense. Everyone was watching nervously, Mitch and Avi were holding hands with worried looks, but Scott's biological parents just stood there with smirks as if they had already one.

"Scott will remain with the Grassi-Kaplan family in their full custody, and each child in the Hoying house will be questioned and, if needed, placed in a new home. Court dismissed." She said before slamming down her gavel.

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