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Mitch walked into work with a giant smile on his face, holding the door open for a woman and her three kids, a small baby and two younger than ten. "Thank you." She said with an exhausted voice. "You're welcome." Mitch said as he followed her in, walking directly into the back to put on his white coat, a stethescope with a My Little Pony sticker on it (because why not).

"How was the honeymoon?" One of Mitch's work friends, Emma, asked from behind the reception desk where she worked. Mitch sighed happily, "It was amazing. Just me and Avi." He said as he smiled at each memory. "Glad to have you back. Now, you have patients." She said as she handed Mitch a clipboard with a patient file on it.

Mitch walked into a small room with colorful posters with small tips for parents, inside was a couple both trying to sooth a crying baby. "Hi, I'm doctor Grassi. What seems to be the problem today?" He asked with a bright smile. "She won't stop crying. We've tried everything, sleep, food, rocking her. We don't know." The woman said as she looked at Mitch with pleading, exhausted eyes.

"Let's have a look, shall we?" Mitch asked as he looked in the babies eyes for any specks or fuzz, then he took her temperature and wrote it down. "Is she breast feeding, bottle feeding maybe?" Mitch asked. "We switched to bottle last month." The woman said as Mitch nodded and wrote himself a note. "Let's take a look in her mouth, shall we?" He asked as he picked up a light.

"Uh huh, I see what's going on." Mitch said as he looked in the baby's mouth. "What is it?" The man asked nervously. "She's just teething. I can write down a few ways to help soothe her but there isn't much I can do." Mitch explained kindly as he started on a list. "Thank you." The woman said thankfully with a relieved sigh.


Avi stood in the court room wearing a nice suit as he listened to the plaintiff's lawyer ask his client questions. "Is it true that you could have offered a different method instead of just that one surgical treatment?" The woman asked. "Objection, your honor, leading question." Avi announced as he stood.

The judge nodded, "I agree. Reword your question or ask something else." She said before Avi sat back down. "Yes your honor. Is there another method that could be used in a situation such as this one?" The man asked. "Those methods have been proven to be less effective by countless researchers. I gave my clients a choice and told them the risks before I did anything. Using another method would have insured we lost the patient. What we did not expect was to find the tumor there, it could have been easily missed." The man on the stand explained.

Avi smiled to himself as he sat back down. He had this case in the bag.

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