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my smiles are never for you

but you know they are

my eyes aren't yours to gaze into

but you stare anyway

my laugh is never sung for you

but you think it's your personal lullaby

my hands aren't yours to hold

but you take them forcefully

my lips aren't yours to kiss

but yours abuse my unmoving ones

my breath isn't yours to take away

but you've got me gasping anyway

my hips arent yours to grab

but I still have the crescent moon scars from your nails

my skin isn't yours to touch

but your fingers burn every inch of it

my body isn't yours to have

but you think otherwise

my happiness isn't yours to destroy

but now i just feel hollow

my soul isn't yours to rip from me

but i still can't find it since that night

my reputation isn't yours to tarnish

but people still call me a slut and liar anyway

my voice isn't yours to silence

but you said you'd make my life hell if i tell


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