"Someone's happy. Daddy leaked?" She questioned.

I nodded with an evil smile.

"So the deal's secret. We just have to steal some papers from dad's briefcase. Get them photocopied. Send them to newspapers and journalists. Hide the original ones in that chick's computer table. I'm sure the CEO will order to search the whole office for the original files. Nobody knows about this deal except for the people in that office." I said it all in one breath and then I breathed heavily.

"Wow! look at you. That small mind of yours does work sometimes." I rolled my eyes. Linda and her sarcasm.

"So you'll come with me for hiding the file, right?"

"Is that even a question?" She smirked.

I laughed. She's love. I thought.

The next few days passed by like a rapid fire as I was busy making arrangements for the final move.

"The gun is ready. We just need to pull the trigger." I told Linda while I felt a burn inside my mouth as my impatient ass took a sip of the hot coffee.

"Here. I've made the list of the famous newspapers and journalists." She stated while handing me the list.

"Good job girlie." I went through the list.

"We can go to your dad's office tomorrow during our break to hide the file."

"But people there know me."

"I'll handle." Linda smirked. I frowned.

"Taa daa...." She yelled as she gave me a hand mirror to take a look after she spent an hour on me the next day.

"WHAT THE HECK?" I was no longer a girl. But neither did I look like a proper boy.

"What do you think?" She asked in a higher pitch than usual.

"Words fail me."

"Oh come on, you look so handsome." she snorted.

"You don't say." I said, sarcastically.

"A mustache? Check", said Linda as she scrolled down through her phone. Did she just google how to look like a man? My eyebrows drew close. "Hair tucked inside a hat? Check.  An ugly mole on a cheek? Check." She looked up and winked.

I narrowed my eyes, "A mole?"

She smiled. "Oh wait. Wear this tie."

I did as she said.

"Also you're Harry from now. " 

"And you're going as my lady?" I tried to flirt like a normal man would've.

Her lips curled, involuntarily and she fought back hard as her cheeks swelled momentarily with the pressure but it was no use. Her laughter erupted.

"You'd make one heck of a man Haze."

"And we'd make one heck of a couple." I smiled with my hands on my hips.

"You distract the chick and I'll hide the file." Linda said as we got out of the car.

I felt as if all the eyes were on me as I walked inside.

Do they all know? Am I making it too obvious?  My own thoughts were making me nervous. I swept them away.

"Where is she?" Linda asked.

"That one." I pointed a finger towards my left.

"Go",  whispered Linda as she pushed me towards the chick's table.

"Umm..Hel.." shit manly voice Hazel.

She looked up.

"Hello." I finally uttered.

"May I help you?" I was startled to see her. She seemed so naive. Like a little Lamb.

How different the inside and outside is sometimes.

"Yes Mam. I'm looking for the atm but...."

"Rebecca?" I stopped immediately when I recognized dad's voice.

"Hey steward."

"Are you free?" He asked.

"Depends. What do you need me for?" She inquired as she placed a hand on his shoulder.

I scowled. So she's the one who seduced him. What a monster. I flickered uncontrollably.

"I need you to make sure everything is arranged for tomorrow's meeting." He said as he removed her hand from his shoulder.

Then he looked at me and studied my face. My mouth went dry.

"Hmm.. You look a lot like my daughter." He said after carefully eyeing me from head to toe.

  A cold sweat dripped upon my head. Not the sweat from running, but the sweat from anxiety. 

Author's Note:

Hey folks! I hope you all are doing good. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Also my exam is so close. This girl needs your prayers. I'll update more regularly once it's over.

Stay blessed.

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