Chapter 36: Robbie Returns

Start from the beginning

Actually "asked" is putting it too lightly. Astrid's exact words were: "You will beat your fists against a dummy at least a hundred times if you want even a chance at gaining strength."


Despite her pounding fists and sweat-soaked T-shirt, Kiara left the training dome with a smile, knowing she was one step closer to proving Astrid wrong. She hurried off to the nearby lake; all thoughts of talking with Whiplash had completely vanished. That's what happens when you're in desperate need of a bath.


"Favourite hobby?" Ruffnut asked. "Other than flying of course."

"Easy," said Kiara, "Sketching."

"Ah. A little Haddock you are. Ours is yak-tipping."

"But we enjoy playing in the boar pit just as much," Tuffnut added, then leaned forward. "Wanna try wrestling a boar?"

"N-no thanks. Er, hand-to-hoof combat isn't really my thing."

They sat together in the clubhouse but weren't the only ones there. Hiccup and Astrid were having their own conversation on the other side of the room. Fishlegs was humming contently as he shifted through what looked like dragon Q-cards. Snotlout had his helmet over his eyes as he leaned back on his chair, probably asleep.

"My turn," Kiara declared. "What's your favourite drag-"

"ZIPPLEBACK!" they answered at once.

"I meant other than your own."

"Oh," they said.


"Mine's those small glowy ones that burn hotter than the sun," said Tuffnut.

"You mean like the one that burnt your hand after you stupidly picked it up?" Ruffnut asked.

"Fireworm," Fishlegs informed them absentmindedly.

"Yeah that," Tuff confirmed.

"Well, mine is Scauldron," said Ruff.

"Whoa. You two gave me different answers."

"Well, duh. We're not identical, you know. Physically or mentally."

"Or emotionally," Tuff added with a dramatic display of wiping invisible tears.

"Right, fraternal twins. Point taken," said Kiara. At that moment Whiplash bounded into the clubhouse.

"There you are!"

"Hey, Whiplash. Where've you been?"

Whiplash huffed and gave her an annoyed look. "I've been waiting for you."

Kiara's eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry! I completely forgot." She hastily got up to leave.

"Wait!" said Tuff. "You haven't answered yet."

"Yeah, what's your favourite dragon?" Ruff asked. "Other than the Scorching Wrath."

A look of interest shone in Whiplash's eyes and she settled down. Everyone in the room seemed to be mildly paying attention now.

"Changewing," Kiara answered, "without a doubt."

Snotlout laughed. Kiara groaned; he wasn't asleep. "You're kidding, right? You'd be an idiot to like those dragons. They're horrible."

Kiara folded her arms and mockingly raised a brow. "Whatever's wrong with them?" she cooed. "Do they give the little Jorgenson nightmares?"

Snotlout's eyes widened and the twins snickered from behind Kiara. Tuff leaned forward and whispered, "They probably do. He's had baaad experiences." Kiara cracked a grin.

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