Love-struck,” I shrieked in horror. “How are we exchanging love-struck looks to each other? For god’s sake, Sarah, you know how I feel towards Harry.”

“Um, I think we don’t Beth,” I looked away from Sarah to Mel, who just spoke. “You haven’t told us anything, but it’s pretty obvious that you like him more than how friends should like each other.”

I was taken aback by what they both said; is it really this obvious that I have a slight, tiny feeling towards Harry? Is it wrong? Will the judge me for it?

“Well, I think I like him a bit, you know,” I watched as they both smirked and decided to add, “But, uh, it’s because he’s really persistent and demanding to make me happy, to help me get better. I – I think he cares for me, a lot, and I respect and admire him for that. It’s only a liking because of everything he has done for me.”

But I wasn’t really convinced with what I had said; my feelings towards Harry may be because he takes good care of me and is always trying to lift my spirits up and help me, but I know that this is part of the major reason. I don’t know the other part, though, it’s missing right now; a big question mark.

Before neither of them spoke, Steph walked in the room, her face red as a tomato with anger and her fists clenched. She sat her bag on one of the arm chairs in Mel’s bedroom and started pacing around the room, hands on both sides of her hip.

“What’s up, Steph?” Sarah asked Stephanie, curiosity evident on her features. 

“The biggest asshole on the planet, a.k.a my husband, broke down my phone!” Steph bellowed, causing three of us to jump and Taylor to burst out in loud, annoying cries.

“Goddammit Steph, will you please lower your voice a bit! Taylor was sleeping, for god’s sake.” Melina whisper-yelled, narrowing her eyes at Steph, who was huffing in pure annoyance.

“Sorry,” Steph whispered, rolling her eyes while doing so. “Anyway, that douche bag was warned not to touch my phone as it contained most of my works and photos of all the corpses in the morgue. I told him constantly not to set a finger on it, but the asshole didn’t listen to me.

“He fucking wanted to play a game called – uh, some flappy shit, and right when he opened it, the phone did a weird noise and formatted itself. All my works are gone!”

Shut up,” Melina hissed.

“However,” Steph started again, this time less angry. “He didn’t even apologize and accidentally dropped the phone to the ground, causing the screen to shatter to pieces. The problem is that I’ve always warned him!”

“Stop making such a big deal out of this, Steph.” We heard Niall’s voice say then averted our gaze towards the source of his voice to find him standing in the bedroom, leaning over the doorframe.

“What brought you here, jackass? Get the fuck out! I came running from you and you simply follow me over here too? What are you a stalker or something?” She shouted over at him and Melina shook her head, clearly giving up on persuading them to lower their voices.

“Well, I came here because it’s my best friend’s house too, so if you don’t mind, you can back off and let me be.” He spoke and Stephanie let out a very fake laugh.

“Aha really, you’re so funny,” She pretended to be wiping away tears from the corner of her eyes before speaking again. “You were the one who entered this room while knowing I was here! Now get the fuck out.”

“What the fuck–” Niall started, but Sarah already got on her feet.

“Would you two please cut it out? You’re being overly ridiculous right now. It’s just a simple problem and you’re biting each other’s heads off already. You’re seriously unbelievable!”

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