Chapter 25

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"Morning Liv!" I hear from Mara and Charlotte as I sit down at my desk.

"Hey guys!"

I have been working at Frankie's clothing label for almost three weeks now and I couldn't be happier with my choice.

The pay is less than what I was getting at my previous job but the fact I love coming in to work every day easily makes up for it.

The small team of six women and two men I work with were welcoming and friendly, I found myself fitting in with their little "work family" with ease and the business itself was thriving and exciting.

At exactly 9am my phone vibrates and I close my eyes, the same way I do every morning and take a deep breath in.

*Good Morning*

It has been three weeks since Harry left and I haven't spoken to him since.

The day after he left, and Frankie had told me he apparently has feelings for me, I had waited nervously for him to call like he promised when he said goodbye.

He had sent me a "good morning" message instead which I had replied to immediately, asking him what time he could call and telling him what I was doing with my day, asking him in return.

After two hours and no response I text him again, asking if he was nervous about the show that night.

Another three hours went by before I called, I wanted to wish him good luck and check everything was ok. I knew he was really busy but he always found time to at least tell me that.

"Is everything ok?" He answered the phone coldly.

"Hey! Everything great I just wanted to tal-" I started before he cut me off.

"Sorry Liv, I have to go," he mumbled and hung up before I could say another word.

At fifteen minutes past midnight I received another text simply saying, *goodnight*, I called him as soon as my phone alerted me, but there was no answer.

After day 10, I had stopped embarrassing myself by writing back to his daily *Good Morning* text with long winded messages, telling him about my day before and asking a million questions about the show and the tour, hoping the right one would trigger him to respond.

I had tried to call him every day, sometimes 4 or 5 times but the only time I heard his voice is when he would answer asking if I was ok and hanging up as quickly as I could say yes I was.

*Goodnight* at the end of each day was all I would ever receive back.

I look down at my phone on my desk and I swipe to delete the message.

I had spent the last three weeks coming up with every reason for why he was doing this.

I had told myself he was upset about the photo or about what Frankie had text him back that night about how I felt about it all. But by week three I was just hurt that he wouldn't even give me the opportunity to talk to him about it.

I had thought maybe Frankie and Bec had been completely wrong and he was busy sleeping with a new girl every night and too wrecked from partying to speak during the day but I know he would have at least text me back.

I questioned whether Kristie had come back into his life and demanded he not speak to me, but last week she was seen with her new publicity stunt, strolling around Beverly Hills.

The twice daily, meaningless messages were upsetting me the most. If he didn't want me in his life why was he making sure I thought about him or knew he was thinking of me every morning and every night.

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