Chapter 33

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When I got to my room later that night, I couldn't sleep. I was extremely tired, but couldn't sleep.
I kept thinking about Olivia. I had so many questions.Where is she? Why'd Luke go along with Avery's lie? Where did Collins go? Did Dr.Midshaw know about Collins secret? Where's Kelly?
All the questions flood my head, causing a pounding headache. I keep telling myself everything was gonna work out and fall into place-somehow. All I could know for sure is that I had to save Olivia.
I change position in the bed. I turn and look at Luke,laying in Hailee's old bed.
He's still awake too.
"Why'd you go along with Avery's plan?" I abruptly ask.
"You're awake. Oh. Well, she threatened me, you, and Olivia. I couldn't let anything happen. I am the only one who knows how to make the dilutor. But I changed it, to protect you. I can't hurt someone," he says. Well at least that's one question answered.
"Huh. Thanks, I guess," I say. I look over at the clock.
It's five a.m.
"I want to sleep but can't," i say.
"Count backwards," Luke suggests.
Can't hurt. 100...99...98...97...
The next morning I wake up in a cold sweat. I don't remember the dream but I know it wasn't good.
I quickly get dressed,as usual, and head down to Liam's office.
I knock and he lets me in.
"We have to find Olivia," I say as soon as I get in.
"Yeah," he says, standing up from his desk. "But Puissants are tough people"
"My mom and dad are there. I can act like I want to visit them there. I just can' okay knowing Olivia may be in danger. Please help me with this Liam. Please," I beg.
His gray eyes look tired and worried.
"What's wrong?" I ask him, noticing his worried expression. I put my hand on his cold,metal desk.
"My dad is also a Puissant." He says.
My eyes go wide. "I came here because I didn't like their way of living.I want to help, not hurt," he quickly states. "I haven't seen him in a long time. I don't know if I want to,"
I am speechless. I can't think of anything to say.
"Please," I manage. He sighs.
"O-of course," he stampers. I reach over his desk and hug him.
"Thank you," I say. "When can we go?"
"Well technically it's summer break. We can go now,"

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