Chapter 11

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Mr.Lineson shakes his head and waves his hand. Then suddenly there's a metal wall around me. I pound against the walls but nothing happens.
"And that," Mr.Lineson says,"is a way to attack." His voice is cocky and obnoxious. I get even more mad.
"And this is a way to defend," I say. I use water to lift me out of the capsule and shoot an icicle at him. It hits his cheek and leaves a red mark. Everyone stares at me and then guards appear. They inject me with the green liquid again, but it doesn't do anything. I close my eyes and they carry me out. I watch as they take me down an elevator and down to the room I was in before.
"I'm surprised it worked twice," a man says.
"Yeah, weird," says another.
They tie me down and leave me in that same room. The same single light is on. I try to freeze the ropes to break free but nothing comes out of my hands. Weird. I look forward expecting to see Dr. Midshaw. But, Dr. Midshaw doesn't come out, it's Liam and Ms.Collins.
"Hello again Miss Riggs. I believe you know Officer Steele, or as you know him, Liam," she says. Uh-oh. "Any way, Officer Steele, you know what to do," she walks out. Liam looks at me worryingly. He looks behind him to a mirror, which I assume is one way glass. He swallows and says-"I never liked you and I never will, sorry I lied to you, forget everything I have said to you except this. Bye." I stare at him blankly.
"Liam,but-" he stops me.
"Call me Officer Steele please Miss Riggs," he says. I hold back tears and take a deep breath. "You can go," he says as he guides me out. He shows me the way to my next class. I don't bother listening to anything they say. I honestly don't care anymore. After my last class I go straight to my room and slump down face first onto my bed. They changed it to a water bed. I flop around until I find a manageable position. I lay for about an hour until Hailee comes in.
"HEY!!" she yells cheerfully. She realizes that I'm not ok and immediately tones it down.
"What's wrong?" she asks quietly as she sits on the bed.
"Oh, uh nothing just a,um long day, ya know," I say. She shakes her head.
"I'm not dumb, I know it's more than that, it's a guy," she says. "Is it the fact Zack is dating Kelly?" I freeze.
"Seriously?" I ask her. She nods and I slump back down on the bed. Ugh.
"So it wasn't that I'm guessing? I mean you didn't know..." she says.
"Nothing, it's nothing I rather not talk about it right now," I say as I turn away. She quickly stands up and goes to her bed and I fall asleep.

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