Chapter 12

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Months pass with the same classes, same dread, and same loneliness. It eventually is time for the Element Games. There's only a month left to the Games and everyone was struggling to learn to control their power. Some people could easily use their power, but others found it impossible.
I saw Officer Steele every so often but avoided eye contact. I saw Zack as well but he was always with Kelly. They never touched though, which I found odd. I saw Zack in my first period class but always tried to ignore him. Mr.Lineson always kept a close eye on me, as well as Mr.Pones, my virtual reality survival teacher. Every class was boring until today.
We were going to virtually train.
Mr.Pones led us down several staircases and into a completely white room. There were at least fifty beds with wires sticking out. We all entered and grouped together in the middle.
"Ok! So here is where you will come when the real thing happens. We connect you here and you enter a virtual world. That's what we are going to do today," he says. "Everyone find a bed!"
We scramble to a bed and lay down. Suddenly, several women and men in white uniforms come in and inject us with a liquid and attach a wire to our heads. The person who injects me is named Faith. She's a nice, young girl with blue hair.
"You will be entered in 3,2,1"
We are entered in a small arena. It's a a grassy area with a few trees scattered in.
"Begin" a voice says.
I quickly make myself a water spiral to float on and go around on.
I go around and shoot people with ice spikes.
Out of nowhere a ball of fire hits my back, I try to extinguish it, but it's too late. And then I'm back to the real world.
A world of loneliness and boredom.

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