Chapter 16

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One day until the Element Games. One day. The Element Games are tomorrow.
Everyone in the whole school was tense. Some people tried to squeeze in some last minute training while others relaxed-or at least attempted to.  Hailee hadn't been talking much and it was worrying me. She was usually happy and bubbly but right now she was stressed and anxious. She constantly woke up at night needing a water break.
Water breaks are times in which water elementals need to sleep underwater or be in water. Water elementals can breath underwater for up to 12 hours.
All the teachers had nothing else to cram into us so we had a lot of free time.
I spent that time with Liam,Willow, and Hailee. I still tried to be with Zack, but he seemed-distant or in a daze.
But today I wanted to be alone with Liam. I went to his office only to find him busy,typing away on his computer.
"Ya busy?" I ask.
"Hold on," he responds, holding a finger up. He types for a minute for and then says-"sorry I'm really busy with these reports, I can't talk."
I take that as a hint and leave.
I then head to the lounge. It's completely empty except for a guard who seems to be falling asleep. I decide to hang there, just because there's no where better to be. People pass by but no one enters. I eat the food that's set out and walk around, hoping for someone I know to come in.
An hour passes with nothing special so I leave. It feels like the peace before a storm. And that's exactly what it is.
I'm alone in my room, reading, when suddenly the intercom beeps for an announcement.
"Attention all Elemental students competing tomorrow. It is 8 o'clock pm meaning there are exactly 12 hours until the Element Games. Please plan accordingly. Good luck and good night."
I take a deep breath and lay back. This is it. Just hours until I have to compete. It could take hours or days. And it would all begin in 12 hours. The nerves start to come to me, and I realize what's really going to happen in just 12 hours.
720 minutes, and it would all begin.

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