Chapter 29

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"Zoey!" They both cheer.
I hug them tight and let them in.
"I can't believe you're here!" I exclaim, closing the door behind me.
They look around my room and nod.
"It's actually a really nice room!" Olivia says.
"Yeah, my roommate moved out so it's all mine!" I say,gesturing at the tiny room.
They laugh and sit down.
"So,you're here for the Gala, right?" I ask.
"Yeah, it'll be better since you are the main event," Luke says jokingly.
"Oh and Ember, we tied," I say with a shrug.
"Right," they both say.
"So what are your Element powers? You guys are obviously Elementals," I ask them.
"Oh yeah, I'm water and Liv is life," Luke says. Olivia nods along.
"So does that mean either Mom or Dad is life?" I question.
"Mom," Olivia says.
"And Dad is water," Luke says.
We talk for hours about everything we have missed in each other's lives. I tell them about Liam and they seem happy for me, a little suspicious though...
Soon, it's 11pm, and I get very tired. I tell them to sleep on Hailee's old bed for tonight, so they do.
It's a small bed, so for a while they move around but finally they get settled.
I wake up and glance at my clock-3:30am. I look over at Olivia and Luke's bed.
They are gone.
Shocked, I get up and quickly throw on an oversized sweater to keep warm in the cold hallways. I toss on some slippers and head into the hall.
"Olivia! Luke!"I whisper-shout groggily. Oh no,no,no,no....
I make it to the lounge. The doors are protected by two guards.
I dash by and go to the elevator. I go in and as I wait for the elevator to get to the main floor I nervously tap my feet.
The ground floor is surrounded by guards on all sides.
Aw man.
I carefully dodge the guards. I decide to head to the Restricted Lab. I don't know why but that room is the closest to me. The cautiously enter and in the corner of the lab I see Olivia and Luke looking through a microscope at a dark green liquid, similar to the one injected to us but darker. I hide behind a counter.
"Make more, we need a lot!" Olivia says.
"Shush, I'm doing it. It takes a while," Luke whispers.
"Hurry up, Zoey's gonna notice we aren't there!" Olivia says.
I crouch down lower.
"It needs to mix! And even if she does notice, she wouldn't come here," Luke says.
"Yeah you're right. But if she wakes up she might tell someone and they might find us here. They'll know who we are. Heck we barely made it in this school. It's a surprise she did. They know we are-" Ching! Olivia stops.
My foot slips and hits a box of test tubes, making a loud noise.
"Crap someone's in here! Just get what we have it's enough!" Olivia says.
Oh no. I run out of the lab and carefully dash through the guards. I go up the elevator and run down the hall quickly to my room.
I slam the door behind me.
Out of breath, I hop into bed and wait for them to get back.
"Shush," I hear as the door opens.
"Where were you?" I ask, pretending to be tired. I yawn for effect.
"Bathroom, took us a while to find it," Olivia lies.
"Oh," I say as I begin to go back to sleep.
But I can't help thinking, what were they doing in the lab?

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