Part 2---Chapter 14

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The Element Games were in three days. Just three days. The pressure was high and last minute details were being taught.
Zack had avoided me ever since I rejected him. I try to talk to him, but he strays away.
The day Liam invited me to the library was great. We secretly dropped notes near each other to communicate, while I read a book on the old Elemental language. And we occasionally went behind the talk...It was oddly fun.
Zack is yet to know about Liam and Liam is yet to know about Zack...and I would like to keep it that way.
Liam was teaching me ways to stay in the Element Games as long as possible and I learned a few things.
1)Trust only people of compatible elements
2)Don't trust someone too much
3)Be low-key
4)Make friends, not enemies
5)Target one person at a time
And that was all.
I was scared. Even though it's virtual, I would still feel pain, hunger, and anger. Liam said I would be fine but I don't know if I could believe him, especially after the 'incident'.
I should trust him. He's done this before, and came in third place.
All my teachers said to keep calm and be aggressive, which is sort of contradicting....and confusing.
In Mr.Pones class we entered the virtual world two more times and I even got second place once. Mr.Pones repeatedly said that the real thing is much harder. Mr. Reagle said that the real thing is surprisingly easier. Everything contradicted each other and I didn't know who to believe...Liam, Reagle, or Mr.Pones.
And now Mr.Reagle is giving us tips about trust and betrayal.
"TRUST NO ONE!" yells Mr. Reagle. I look over at Liam, sitting on the stool next to his desk. He's nodding along but I know he's not listening.
"IF you are going to trust ANYONE they must be of a compatible element," Mr.Reagle says, as he points to a poster of the compatibility of the elements. "QUESTIONS?" Someone raises their hand.
"What if a pair opposite elements wants to partner up to do 'the unthinkable'" the girl says.
"Are you referring to...the explosion of elements?" Mr. Reagle asks, very intrigued.
"Yes," she says.
"Well, that can be done by any two elements with the exception of the matching elements- for example wind and water- so I do not think that would ever be necessary," he says. The explosion of elements? Wow. Sounds-dangerously exciting.
"It is said that the two opposite elements, such as life and death, would make a better, bigger, more dangerous explosion with a higher success rate," the girl says. Reagle nods.
"True, but is it worth it? It has never been done and could destroy the virtual world. That is completely up to you missy," Reagle says as he continues his lecture. That explosion sounds interesting. But is it worth it?
Eventually the bell rings and class is dismissed. Everyone leaves as quick as possible except me. I go to Mr. Reagle's desk.
"Excuse me, uh, Mr.Reagle?" I utter.
"Yes m'am," he says without looking at me.
"Is the explosion possible?"
He turns to me slowly.
He simply says-"I don't know"
"Has it been done before?" I ask him.
"Yes it has, I have watched one, on the broadcast," he says, nodding.
"The broadcast?"
"Oh-no, I said too much, can't know about that-no-you can not tell anyone about it. There's cameras that broadcast the competition so every elemental in the world can see it. Please do not tell anyone!" He whisper-shouts. I shake my head in disbelief.
"They don't tell us?"
"Well, yes...they do tell you, once you're in the virtual world and you cant get out. Just don't tell anyone, please leave now miss Riggs," he says, holding his head in shame.
I walk out. The halls are empty and everyone is already at their next class, so I go up to my next class.
Finally, I get to Mr.Pones class. He talks about setting traps and the pros and cons and what you should and shouldn't do. Then Mr.Pones stops for questions.
"Any questions about anything I've said or haven't said?" He asks everyone. I shoot my hand up. "Yes, Miss Riggs."
"Is the explosion of the elements possible?" I ask. He looks at me in disbelief and slight anger.
"The explosion?" Everyone looks at me.
"Yes sir."
"Yes it is." He quickly mutters,"Anybody else?"
"What about the polar opposite explosion of elements?" I call. He freezes up and stiffens.
"I rather not say right now, talk to me after class please," he says. He sighs and continues. For the rest of class he is tense and anxious. He doesn't take any questions after mine and only talks about traps.
After what seems like hours, the bell rings and the class rushes out like a herd of buffalo. I quickly run over to his desk, very curious as to why he was so conserved on the subject.
"Close the door please," he says to me. As fast as possible, I close the door and lock it.
"The explosion?" I ask, walking back
"It left me powerless," he says. I stare at him in shock.
"I was a life elemental and I did the explosion with a death elemental. The whole virtual world collapsed and we were the only ones left. When we got out I lost my powers and she got all the recognition. You may know her," he says sadly.
"I doubt it," I mutter.
"Her name is Diane Collins." I am left speechless. No way.
"'m so sorry," I tell him. He shows me out and I respect it, I've heard enough.
Maybe too much.

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