Chapter 26

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As I rush us to the gateway, the wind suddenly shifts direction, violently pulling us back toward the hospital and breaking my mist form apart. Everything out here is being sucked toward that black hole. NO! NOT NOW! NOT WHEN I AM SO CLOSE!!! I try strenuously to keep it all together, snarling in pain while fighting against all of this stretching, and you're screaming your head off in a fetal position. It throws us back quite a ways. I hit many pieces of the buildings and natural debris and before I can move out of the way, a shard of something stabs through me into your side. Your ear-splitting sound of agony and the rich smell of your blood spikes more adrenaline through me. 

I glimpse back for just a second to see a tornado has formed in the center of the hole in the ground. It's flashing white light as it consumes everything around it. The sky is darkening as that thing grows. Large pieces of the buildings are flying off and almost all of the trees are gone now.  It's an enormous mess. It's so catastrophic. It's something straight out of a movie.

Gritting my teeth, I look to the gateway again, pushing even harder. COME ON, GABRIEL! YOU HAVE TO MAKE THIS!


Massive explosions are sounding off behind us as the buildings are being totally destroyed. EVERYTHING is going.

I don't hear your screams anymore. I can feel how much blood you've lost as I quickly move the inner walls of my mist along your body. Your heartbeat has slowed now that you've passed out.


Multiple shock-waves from the explosions blast us farther into the forest, past other warping anomalies. I try to see where we're going as we bounce off a few of the strange portals, and soon, out of sheer luck I'm able to find the one you pointed to. I use the shock-waves as much as I can and let them push me toward it.

Everything around us is becoming so extraordinarily bright that I know I'll start to lose sight of where I am. I have to keep a mental picture of it all.

Suddenly, all the wind stops. All the noises pause, short of crumbling sounds from all the debris being sucked in by the hole in the ground.

It takes me completely by surprise, but I immediately understand - this place is imploding.

The shock-waves are pushing us closer, closer, CLOSER! We're getting so close now, so CLOSE to the gateway now!!! FINALLY, FINALLY WE CAN GO HOME!!! "AHHHHH!!!" I yell out as we bullet straight for it.


One GIANT blast brutally throws us through the portal. In that moment, I feel something tear right out of my body.

I'm forced back into human form as we're sent crashing through your apartment living room. You're thrown into the couch and I slam into the wall, knocking a few pictures down.

As I hit the floor, I struggle to breathe and see my veins are popping out everywhere. I turn over on my back, holding my chest while it feels like my heart and lungs are splitting open and apart. I'm rocking side to side, crying out. I've never felt this much pain in my entire life. NOTHING could surpass this! NOTHING! 

Slow down, just slow down! Control your breathing!

Wheezing, coughing and trying to calm myself the best I can, my watery eyes dart around the room in search of you, and when they land on your bloody body lying there by the couch, looking so frail and beaten in this place you call home, where it all began for us, all I can do is stare with an emotion that has become more familiar to me as all this time has gone by. The pain is starting to loosen up a little as memories from different periods of my early life as a vampire come flooding back. All the voices that stood out the most to me, all the different ideas; all the ones I took interest in but couldn't hold onto, because they were all mortal and my purpose has always been to satisfy my instinctual cravings and kill whatever stood in my way; nothing could ever overpower me. I threw away my old self because I hated him with a passion. Whatever emotions and moments I took a backseat in, they had to be abandoned forever. I know now, all chapters of the past must come to a close.

This time, I'm going to live for now.

You're so pale now, Addison. Your lips are becoming blue. You've lost so much blood. I don't understand why or what it is, but all I really want to do now is just make sure you can go on. I don't want you to be unhealthy, or think about what you've been through. I want to feel what I felt when I was with my children, and I think... only you could give me that. I don't know why. I don't know why I want to share that with you.

I reach my hand out at you with a small whimper, "Addison..." I start pushing myself closer to you. It's a battle with all that my body is going through; like my veins are stressing and my skin is burning up.

I make it to you and sit up against the couch, pulling you into my lap and resting your back on my chest. Taking your hand in mine and lifting it up, I see bruises and strange red dots all over it. That bastard did so much to you, but it's all over now.

It's finished.

The smell of your blood and your own natural scent stimulates my vampiric senses and brings out the pain even more. The vampire in me wants to take control; it wants to drink and mutilate you for your blood. Wincing and turning my head away, I hold back my urges. I begin to frown and tears are actually beginning to fall. I haven't felt this way in a long time. It almost seems like forever.

I raise my arm up and bite into it. "Mmph!" I breathe shakily afterward and lift your shirt up to see where the injury is. Once I find it, I carefully trace the blood from my arm over and around it. When I look at your face again, I inhale slowly and my features soften. "...You've changed me so much. I don't know if I like it or not. Maybe something happened when we left the realm... Maybe that was the tearing I felt."

I place my hand on your forehead and slide it over your hair as I grow weaker. Before I succumb to the throbbing aches surging throughout my body, I bite down on my bottom lip and bring your head up to meet mine. Gently, very tenderly, I press my lips to yours and allow my blood to flow into your mouth. I shut my eyes while breathing slower and savor the taste of you. My blood starts healing you right away. The touch of your lips is like tasting an angel; it takes me away to a place you would only find in pictures. Fluffy white clouds, an ocean made of glass, sounds of piano and harp, and a sweet smell of fresh pomegranates. Holding you closer, embracing you, enjoying the sensation of your lips against mine and feeding you my blood, I let this moment feel everlasting... as it fades to a numbing sleep.


Author's Note:

Hello! I just wanted to say, thank you for keeping up with this book so far. I really appreciate all your comments and votes!

This chapter here hit me a little hard. I'm curious to know, what is your theory behind why Gabriel is suddenly different?

Again, thank you so much! See you in the next one! ;)

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