Chapter 19

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"What do you mean 'you think I didn't know it was you'?"

The way 'his' eyes move back and forth and the false curiosity in 'his' tone just makes this little act even more pathetic.

"Shut up." I snarl in a deep guttural voice, advancing toward this thing with my hands ready to pummel and rip it to pieces. I saw it in the mirror - her - only for a split second, but she was there. That nurse was there, portraying as Jo. She focused on me so much that her mind went off from maintaining her appearance in the mirror, and when she noticed I could see her, her eyes sunk into her skull, her jaw fell open like a long dead corpse's detaching from the body, emitting a demonic-sounding shriek, and her skin looked like it was melting. The mirror started shaking and then I only saw myself again - as if none of this happened.

"Gabriel, what are you talking about? Come on man, we have to go! We're running out of time!" 'He' turns and grabs the handle to the stairwell.

I bare my fangs and let my mist take control; "Your time is up!" Now I know I have complete mind over matter. She manipulated everything. She made it impossible for me. Now I have her. The mist swirls around my legs and up my body. "YOU'RE MINE!" I become the mist and charge at her as fast as a bullet.

She spins around with a loud croaking shout, shaking this side of the building, losing Jo's image as I engulf her in suffocating darkness. I pick her up as she swipes and kicks around desperately to fight me, and I rip her arms out of their sockets, snapping her shins, twisting her back, making her splutter and howl. Each time I break a bone and tear away at her leathery flesh, windows burst in the rooms, the floor tiles fly up and shatter to pieces, the doors violently slam shut and bow until breaking off the hinges, exploding into millions of wooden shards.

As the mist, I rapidly shoot spider-like appendages in her ears, I spike through her torso and tear her legs off, the blood splattering everywhere. I slam her to the floor and reform my glowering face as she leans up at me, screaming out all her rage. I belt a loud throaty, bloodthirsty roar, reforming my right hand and snatch her jaw with my nails stabbing into it and rip it from her face. In complete shock, she chokes as the blood pours down her chest and her body convulses.

I grab both sides of her head, squeezing it tight, "SHOW ME!" I enter her mind as she struggles to survive.

I see a clean hospital hallway. It's silent. Gray walls, shiny white floor, metal doors, no windows, and it's bright. It goes black and another sight appears.

It's you!

In that pod... but the extractions have ceased.

You're secured there with your eyes shut, your features at ease. What has happened? Are you still alive?! I can't sense you. I can't sense anything! I can't hear or smell you!

It goes black again.

I growl with a hiss following afterward. Show me! SHOW ME WHERE SHE IS, YOU BITCH! SHOW ME THAT SHE'S ALIVE!!!

I force my thumbnails into her eye sockets, causing her to let out more dead, inhuman splurting cries.

The visions start getting distorted, unable to focus on any place or moment.

"Don't come near me. Please don't... Please don't violate me anymore!" I hear your voice.

"My task is nearly complete." Reuben.

"I'm aware that you would like to get out of here... You've been through so much. Kind of an interesting situation you're in, isn't it?" REUBEN!


The sounds and visions begin to fade. The nurse is dying.

"You're too g̵͕͜- go̷͉͠¤̘͎̺ḏ̴̳̪̱̀ for them Ĵ̢̳̩͍͍̮̎ͫ̕■̧̠͙̺͙̄̄̄̃̍͗̑̚̚ ... What ever have you done to d- de- serve th- T̶̫̼́H̙̭͔̤̀͢I̛̘̤̲͙̹̱-iS̷̥̯͕̞̘͘-s???"

Reuben's voice is so distorted I can barely understand what is going on.


Everything goes black, silent. ...Dead. My eyes slowly widen. I release the nurse from my grasp and let the mist regenerate my body. Who was he talking to? He said something about 'what have you done to deserve this', as nearly incomprehensible as it was. He wouldn't be speaking to anyone but... Jo, like this.

As I'm crouching over her body, I see her skin begin to melt and slide off her bones. Her corpse is aging rapidly. Her bones are turning to ash and her skull is cracking apart bit by bit. She was created to guard this place and do Reuben's bidding. I gently cup some of the ash in one hand, gazing at it.

I now have my answer. She was a gatekeeper and hound.

She is a piece of him. She saw everything he sees and does.

Suddenly, I have a revelation as I look at the ash and think of this.

Her being a piece of him... maybe if I mix my blood and venom with her ash and inject it into Reuben, this will destroy him. I remember what Jack did; he injected him with his blood, venom, and the blood of his victims. That wounded Reuben.

If Reuben asked Jo what he's done to deserve this - whatever it may have been -, he was in the process of tempting him to do something. It better not be about you, Addison.

I carefully stand, holding the ash in both hands and walk to the nearest medicine room. Assuming it's locked, I allow some mist to flow off my arm and into the lock, then I have it open the door.

I find a cup on the corner of a counter and pour the ash into it, then take a long cotton swab out of the glass cabinet above and break one end off. Behind me is a medicinal cart with a drawer already open and I see a few syringes and a pair of surgical scissors. I use the scissors to cut open my wrist and hold it over the cup. Smirking slightly as I fill my fangs with venom, I press my tongue against one and release the venom into my mouth before dripping it into the cup.

After stirring the contents with the swab, I take a syringe and suck up the poison, then screw a cap on it.

Suddenly there are loud crackling noises, crashes, and bangs in the hallway, making me snap my head up. I store the syringe in my pants' pocket and run out of the room. The ceiling is collapsing and the walls are splitting. Zipping my gaze from left to right in search of an exit, I see everything is coming down fast. "Fuck!"

This place wouldn't be falling apart like this if you were in this wing! I knew it was a mistake following Jo. You're in the other wing!

Baring gritted teeth, I start running, transforming into the mist again and bolting into a room toward a busted window.


Music for the battle between Gabriel and The Nurse:

Revolt Production Music - Hospital Of The Dead

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