Chapter 6

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"Sir! Sir, wake up! Mr. Penn!" A man's voice wakes me and I blink a few times as I start to notice what happened. I've clipped the back of a larger, newer red truck, went off into the shoulder and slammed into a big traffic sign. The truck is parked a little more up the road. It's not raining anymore. Great. Wonderful. "Hey, you alright buddy?" I don't take my eyes off the sign. I can't believe this. Me-crashing? I just bought gas too, god damn it. ...At least I've already healed. My truck is totaled. I need a new vehicle. I quickly look in the mirrors for the car that had that shape-shifting person. They're not there. How long have I been out? Who was following me? Jack doesn't shape-shift like that.


"Good, you're awake! Listen sir, I'm with the Hagerstown Police Department. I've got some of my guys coming, alright? The ambulance is on its way." He says. Police? Ambulance? I look past the sign at that pickup. He must be off-duty to be driving that. I return to him, "No officer, I'm not injured." He nods like he's listening, but he doesn't believe me. I pull my leg out from under the collapsed dash and get out with ease. My smooth actions baffle him as he stands back quickly with his mouth falling open. "Watch," I say, lifting my arms and turning in a circle; "No bruises or scratches. I just need a little help with something else. Would you please give me my wallet back?" He's trying to process this and remain calm and authoritative at the same time. The way he is, shows he hasn't been a cop for long.

"Sir, wait- Hold on a second!" he raises his hands stepping closer. I see the wallet in one of his front pockets. I yank it out, stunning him. Right then, I invade his mind; Be quiet officer. Here's something you can do... Straight away, I get there's a weakness about him; he's a sadist and a person with a severe guilty conscience. His consciousness is breaking; he's becoming unsure of the differences between what is right and what is wrong. He has a wife and kids, which signifies light, joy and purity in his life. The job he has; the good and the evil he has faced signifies darkness, fright, control; a gray, mechanical existence. Repetitious... like hell. He doesn't realize the latter will eventually devour him completely. He's already guilty for... oh my... how delicious... The fool shouldn't have chosen this field, being this unstable. I see why he is so broken. I can use him...

I know what you do when your wife isn't looking. I can tell exactly what kind of person you are just by looking at you... 'Jerry'. What would your children think of you once they find out ol' daddy-o takes great pleasure in peeping in at young women showering at the gym? You've done this many times before too... Ohh yes... Even thought of raping a few. Such soft skin, you'd always want to say while you squeeze and slap them, hold them down and take full control. Perfection. Release. Fulfillment. No? Yes? Yes... that's it-that twitch in your face; ever-lusting to do it again-some more, and more and MORE! You don't want to stop yet. Perhaps, maybe-you could take it up a notch next time? Mmm... that would be something... I walk closer and stop beside him, putting my hand on his shoulder and whispering in his ear, "I know that feeling too... buddy." His lips just barely move to let out a rough and breathy; "What do you want from me?" I grin as I fixate on his truck, "Take me where I need to go and I will reward you handsomely." Forget about my truck. I'd like to get out of here before your boys and that ambulance come.

"This is crazy and unreal. It doesn't work in the real world. It's reckless..." he says. I give a false warm smile, "No... It'll be just fine. I swear on your life." He grinds his teeth trying to stay calm, "My life?"
"Ho- hokay," he dips his head. I hum, amused. "Atta-boy." I then go start collecting my things out of my truck and my license plate too. He returns to his truck, waits for traffic to pass, then he drives over to me and gets out to open the backseat of his vehicle, then he starts helping me load it up.

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