Chapter 11

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Someone is coming down here. The basement door is open. I can't look at them. I know they will try to manipulate me. I turn and march for the window. "Gabriel?" I don't recognize that male voice coming downstairs. I grab for the latch on the window but my fingers slip each time. Why can't I get a good grip on it!? I am not weak, I am not a victim! I ball my hand into a fist and almost punch the glass when a dark figure of a man walks in front of the window and kneels to look in at me. "Hello there darling..." My eyes widen immediately. That's my voice! You little fuck! "Katy, did you miss me?" I hear myself speak behind me. Katy? I spin and see a man get in my face. Out of instinct I punch him in the nose. And just as I do, I feel someone punch me in the face so hard it knocks me off my feet and suddenly the floor cracks and is elevated. I shout as I slide down, crashing through the wall. I try to see where I'm going but my eyes have filled with water and my head is throbbing from my nose being smashed. The lights are fading from my vision.

I finally stop skidding and curl up with my hand on my head, groaning. It hurts much more as it heals. I steady my breathing and lay still to let my body heal. This asshole is using an alternate me to fuck with my mind...?!

I listen to everything around me and it sounds like I'm in a small isolated room. Any noise I make is bouncing off the walls. I feel the floor and it's wooden. "No, please Gabriel—please let me go! I'll do anything. Just let me get back to my parents!"
"Oh you don't have to do anything baby... You know how nature goes; the male always shows off for the female. You humans just like to make it a little more complicated."
"Please, I don't understand! I'm only fifteen!" she cries.

I slowly push myself up and smell blood all around me. Footsteps walk past me and I hear the girl jerk in something holding her tightly in place—like leather straps. "Don't touch me- No!" she struggles to speak as she's gagged by something.

"Good... girrrl..." It's me. That's my voice.

The man, my clone, walks away and a door opens and then shuts. The girl is still crying and trying to spit the gag out. The smell of the blood is getting stronger, tempting me—luring me. I want to follow the scent, but I know it leads me directly to her. All sorts of fantasies form in my mind. An image of what she'd look like, what she'd feel like and taste like. How she would sound once I take her in my hands and tear her apart. Fifteen. That's a golden age. Girls are even more fun when they're fifteen... Struggling with all kinds of sexual tension and emotions; hormones going all out the window. I would need to kill to have her.

But I resist, as difficult as it is.

The door opens and closes again. The footsteps walk up and stop in front of me. I look up but it's still pitch black. My nose is healed and the headache is gone. A male hand grabs my chin, saying, "Katyyy..." I snatch him by the wrist and throw him down, putting my shoe on his neck. The lights flash on and I see myself under my foot, and my clone is starting to grin at me. It surprises me. He likes what I'm doing. He's chuckling. We're in Jack's basement again.

He raises his hand and drags his nails just above my shoe across his neck, drawing blood. I feel a stinging sensation and something wet trickling down my neck. I lift my head slightly as I glare darker at him.

"You don't even remember Katy... A sweet girl from the 80's..." He snickers.

I wince as he pushes his claws into the cut and pulls the skin open. I hold my neck and wipe the blood off, but as soon as I look at my hand, I see that it's all an illusion. I glower and look at him again, only to find he's gone. I back up, scanning my surroundings.

There's got to be a way out of here. If I go up those steps, something wrong is going to happen. This is like living in a loop. I've never felt so cornered. There's no other way. I have to get out of here—right now.

I move quickly up the steps and take the knob. It's stuck. Jammed. I flare my nose and growl to myself. I'm not going to submit!

I start punching the door repeatedly. The wood is splitting apart and after a few minutes I can see light coming in. I keep hitting and hitting it until finally, I create a hole big enough to see the hall that leads to Jack's living room.

I kick the door down and plod out of the basement.

"Leaving so soon?" I hear Jack to my left as I hurry up the hall.

I refuse to look at him.

"Gabriel, we have work to do!" he's getting angry.

I get to the living room and see light coming through the seams of the front door and the curtains over the windows. Beginning to run, I reach out with a shaking stiff hand, and as soon as I grab the doorknob and yank the door open, a blast of hot air filled with screams and cries hits me, nearly knocking me off my feet.

I snatch the door jamb to keep my balance and then I push forward.

The door slams behind me and the wind and noises cease completely.

I hold my chest with a grimace, trying to catch my breath, and then I raise my head again to see I'm back outside. My brows furrow slightly. Looking over my shoulder, I notice I'd just gone through a steel door with no door handle on this side—just a lock.

I turn around again. I escaped...

Reuben thinks guilt will destroy me... That's all this has been since he's thrown me into this whole mess. So far, I've been falling prey to it. I realize this now. I truly realize it. This can't continue to happen. Every time he does this to me, it's something I'm never prepared for. There has to be a way. There is always a way.

"You..." I hear a man behind me.

He sounds young, fearful. Anxious. I smell and feel that from him.

Looking left to right in deep thought, I listen carefully to that voice and the sounds of him walking closer behind me.

"Are you him...? Could it be...?" he sounds astonished.

I slowly turn around to face him, and just when I do, I recognize him immediately. It's the Asian man. Right away, I'm thrown off. Is this another trick? Is this real? I stay quiet, only observing him as he searches my eyes.

"What do you want?" I say.

"Are you Gabriel?"

"I am."

"You're not behaving like them... Oh thank god..." he sighs with his hand over his head.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" I ask, shaking my head.

He gestures me to quiet my voice, and says, "My name is Jo. Listen to me; I'm really glad I found you. You're the key that's going to solve everything. We need you. Addison needs you."

"Addison?" I step closer to him. "What about her? Do you know where she is? Take me to her!"

"Shh, shh! Yes, I know where she is! But if I tell you, something bad is going to happen to both of us, don't you see? If I tell you, he will separate us."

"Reuben..." I murmur.

He nods slowly.

"Then you tell me how I'm the 'key'." I say.

"Ok, come with me." He motions me along and starts walking toward the trees. I eye him suspiciously. How am I to know if he's safe to trust? Everything that's happened to me up to this point has been misleading.

He looks back at me. "Do you want to know or not! We're running out of time!" I squint at him. Time is running out. I have to fix this. Thinking I've hardly any other choice, I start moving.

Mr. Gabriel's Revenge (Book 2) [ Psychological Horror ] | COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now