Chapter 8

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"What are you doing here in my house!? Answer me!" The woman says, raising her shaking finger and walking toward me. I'm not paying attention to her. Where did Jack go...? Why did this happen? Nothing is making sense! It's getting worse for me to understand. Him leaving so suddenly could mean two things; he was pulled away from here... and something is about to happen to me. But what? What is next? If my victims can't get in... what is next! Reuben wouldn't show himself here, now, would he? Would he take possession of her? Why would he do that? No, that's absurd. He must have something else in mind.

I blink and zero in on the woman's eyes. "Stop. I was brought here. I don't want to hurt you." My words make her pause with her mouth still open from yelling at me. "Brought here...? By whom? Wait a minute..." She starts looking around as if dumbfounded about something. "I was outside and now I'm here... Who brought you here?!" She cowers suddenly, "Oh no, I don't remember coming inside! I did bless the grounds, I did, didn't I?!" She hurries over to her dresser and starts rummaging through things on its surface. "Salt! Holy salt! Tar water, Sage!-Where are they?!" She turns around to me, biting her nails, "What's going to happen to me now? My heart can't take this! I need to call the preacher!" Her behavior makes me growl in annoyance. Look at this lady, she's ridiculous! What is wrong with her!? "STOP!" I say. "You're DEAD!" She jumps with a gasp, eyes large with fright. I point at her, "You're dead, alright! Now shut your mouth and listen to me very carefully. Some very dangerous people are chasing me; I need a ride right now." Holding her chest while still having that look, she shakes her head. "I've not had my car since '89! My son drove me-" I put my hand up, "Enough! I don't give a damn about that! Tell me who I can talk to about getting a vehicle!"

"The neighbors just up the road; talk to them! Look for a little white house with a large fern by the driveway! They can give you a ride!"

I nod once and hurry out the door, "Thank you!" She watches me leave, her hands shaking over her chest.

Once I leave the house, a thick wave of urgency and paranoia comes down on me, taking a firm hold of my senses so tightly it's almost suffocating. The movement of the trees and the faintly howling breeze has my full attention. Their eyes are on me... Oh, they're out there in the forest watching me...

I don't like this. I don't like it at all. I walk quickly away from the house, looking over at the trees every few seconds. I don't hear them, but I know my victims are crowding around up there on that hill. Why won't they come? What are they planning? I hate this. I HATE IT! I don't recognize FEAR! I need to fight it! But how can I fight when there is no true threat? How could I if I can't see it?

I'm beginning to run as I repeatedly check the forest, what's behind me, and what's to my left and right. How could I be this weak! Nothing will happen to me. It's not real! Like Jack said, it's all a mind game! I have to believe this. I try to shake it out of my mind and refuse to look back again, but it's a challenge. Sounds start to form behind me; a man's heavy breathing as he runs up next to me. No, I can't look! "Hey buddy, out for an afternoon run? Mind if I join ya?" Don't even respond. I pass an old blue cottage-like house. No car outside. Blinds are shut. It seems no one is home. There's a white house at the very end of this road at the corner. It must be the one I'm looking for. "Dude, I'm talking to you!" Don't react. He's not there.

"Gabriel?" An alluring female voice. No, you're not ADDISON! I want to destroy, I want to kill everything that stands in my way of getting to you, but it doesn't work in this dimension. It doesn't work for me.

Hands squeeze my shoulders--dainty hands... A petite body presses against my back and a soft face brushes up my neck. Her lips stop at my ear as she sighs into it, "Won't you listen?" That sends shivers up and down my spine. "Don't you want to get me out of there? What about our 'moment'? Won't you get me out so you can finally have your wish?" No... no don't give in now. Don't listen to this imposture. "Well man, looks like you're gonna fail after all. I mean, how could you possibly get past what Reuben's got in store for you next?" Shut up! You're nothing! NOTHING! I move my head slightly before quickly turning back.

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