TEACHERS - Info (Not Part of Story)

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Teachers Stuff:

Hey Y'all!!! So, I have decided to continue the story with Elliot and Savannah as teachers, it's just an extra, so if you liked the story, please read! Obviously, the story didn't end with a cliffhanger or anything, so this isn't necessary to read. "Teachers" will be enough material to cover another book, plus I might make another part..idk. It'll start on the next chapter. If you've made it here, thank you so, so much!!! I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, because I've certainly enjoyed writing it!

Stuff to know 'bout the after story:

#1: It'll pick up at the part where Savannah left off

#2: The entire book will be in Savannah's POV

#3: Julian won't be as involved, he might only be in one chapter

#4: THE PARTS OF TEACHERS WONT BE AS CLEAN AS THE MAIN STORY!!! It focuses on Savannah & Elliot's relationship, so their may be smut scenes.

Stuff to know 'bout me & my writings:

#1: There's a bonus with the titles, from the main story. If you figure it out PM me!! I'll follow you and read one of your stories! The title thing won't be included for the teachers book, so don't over think it!

#2: I have another story, call "Undercover" it's about two young cops with go undercover at a high school! I've entered it into a contest called "The Dream Forest Awards" I've been trying to get both stories out there! I entered this one in a couple of contests but I haven't received word of acceptance.

#3: I'm also writing another story called "The It Girl's Best Friend" :))

#4: Chapters might be slow, because I am writing another story on Wattpad, plus I'm devolving a script that I hope to get into production. Plus, I do go to school full time, so my life is a little chaotic. So sorry!

#5: This is random, but do you guys have any song recommendations? I like "badass" music, idk why, I just do. So, if you know of any songs I might like hmu! Thanks y'all!!!

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