Andrew Jackson, Our Last Hope

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(Elliot's POV)

"When, are they going to decide?" I ask. Savannah shrugs and leans on Julian's shoulder, "I'm tired." She closes her eyes for a brief second before the town crier begin to shout, "They have voted!!! The Indian Removal Act is passed!" Belle gasps, "Wait. What happens now?" Savannah rips the paper out from Julian's hands, "What does this thing say?" She flips it over, "Quote, "If you fail to complete the task, you better like where your at. Your stuck here, forever. You might want to adjust to no wifi, no cell phones (possibly), no rights, and no cars. Good luck, my friends." End quote," Savannah says more and more defeated.

    She stands up and runs up to the councilman. "Hey! Hey, you! Is there anyway, this can be reversed?" She asks him. He looks at her strangely, "Yes, the president can veto it, but why would you care?" She doesn't answer his question and walks back to us. "Let's go find the president," she says. "Where is the president?" Belle asks. She shrugs and keep walking. She walks up to a man, "Hey, you. What do you link of the Indian Removal Act?" He crosses his arms, "I think it's quite idiotic. Why do you care?"

    She storms towards him, "Okay, look. I care because, I can...God I hate the 1800's...Me and my friends are going to find the president and get this thing reversed. Would you like to help us?" He nods, "Fine. But, we're going to need some horses." Yes! "So, where do we get horses, sir?" I ask him. He is taken aback when I speak. He grins, "I'll take care of it. You have a weird accent. Let me guess, you folks aren't from around here." Julian shakes his head, "No. We're from somewhere, where some people talk like her and others talk like us. And a place where women speak their minds, a place where there is no slavery. A place that's much better than here." The man considers Julian's words, "Well, that's quite the place. I'll have to get used to you folks. What are your names?" he says.

     "I'm Savannah, this is Elliot, this is Belle, and this is Julian." Savannah says. "Hmm, Julian? That's a strange name. I'm John. Now, Belle, do you speak?" he says. She giggles, "Yes." John smirks, "How old are you guys? You look kind of young." Savannah sighs, "Well, that's because we are pretty young." she says. "I'm 21." I say. "You are old. What do you mean young?" he asks. "I'm the oldest. Julian is only 18." I respond. "Oh, still old. What about that ladies?" He asks. "I'm 16." Savannah says. "I'm 13," Belle says. "13? Oh, that's not too young, but you should be at home. What are you doing here?" He asks. "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," is all Belle answers. "What do you mean by 21 is old?" I ask. He seems surprised, "Well, most people only live to be 38 or 39." My jaw drops, "38? That's it?" Savannah shakes her head, "I forgot. That's why. Where we come from people live to be up to 100 years old. The oldest person is 117." He is shocked, "That's strange, well, you are all very young, I suppose."

     We eventually leave to find horses. "I have three horses. Do any of you know how to ride a horse?" John asks. "I do." Belle says. "I have once," I say. I mean, it was at summer camp in 4th grade, but it counts. Neither Savannah or Julian had ridden before. "Okay, Miss Savannah, do you want to ride with Elliot?" John asks. "That's fine." She says. "And are you two alright together?" he asks Julian and Belle. Belle nods.

     Belle climbs on her horse gracefully. Savannah however, is not so coordinated. I watch as she attempts to jump up the first time. She slings her leg over, like Belle did, and falls off the other direction. She pops up, "I got it. Second time's the charm" She jumps up and sit on the horse, "That wasn't so..." She didn't get to finish her sentence before sliding off the way she came. Belle giggles, watching Savannah's attempts. "Do you need some help?" John asks. She nods, "Yes, please." Thomas lifts her up and places her on the horse. "Okay, this isn't so bad." She says. Now it's my turn, "Um, I haven't ridden a horse in like 12 years and I just got shot, so bear with me." Savannah look at me, "Oh, good luck." John grabs a stool from the barn and puts it up by the horse, "There is no way I'm lifting you up, muscle man." He helps me up onto the stool and Savannah helps me onto the horse. Julian climbs on in one try. "How'd you do that?" Savannah asks. "I've never ridden a horse, but I used to ride the mechanical bulls at the circus." he says. John look at Julian oddly, "What a mechanically bull?" He glances around, "Um, it's a fake bull. You see how long you can stay on it" "Oh." John says.

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