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(Savannah's POV) - Sry, its easiest to write as her!

    I dig my fingers into the grass. The grass. The grass. I look up, and I'm not in the woods. There's a building ahead of me. I look over to see Elliot and Julian sprawled out, just waking up. "I don't know where we are." I say. I'm already smiling because we're not in the woods. It's a good sign. I jump up, and look behind me and the boys. They get up, eagerly. "Either we're dead and in the after life or we're home!" I say. "Or in the next year." He says. I frown, "Well, I'm not jumping off another tree."

    I take off running the other side of the building. I find myself in a road with cars and a cafe across the street. I run up to a table, "What year is it?" The women stare at me. I mean, I'm quite the sight. Blood stained, crazy haired, wearing clothing from the 1900's and have incredibly bad breath. They look up, "It's 2018." I scream with joy, jumping into Elliot's arms, "We made it back!!!" Soon, it's a group hug between the three of us. There sirens from around the corner. I pull away to see a black van speeding towards us.

It parks, catching the already grabbed attention of the cafe-goers. We were at sight, but a group of time travelers plus an FBI van? That's a scene. Six agents jump out. Three run to me, two to Elliot and one towards Julian. They try to handcuff me, but I fight back. "Let go of me!" I scream, fighting. I knock two of them out and run from the third. But, I couldn't out run him in this stupid dress. I feel him tackle me, and then a needle into my neck. "Sweet dreams." The agent says passive aggressively.

I wake up again. This time, on a soft bed. I sit up and spot an agent watching me. I begin to climb out but the agent shows me a syringe. I sit back down. "Welcome home." She says. I raise an eyebrow, "This isn't my house." She turns to the photograph next to him, "Oops. Oh well, anyway, you can't tell anyone about this." I scoff, "Or What?" The agent finds pleasure in what she's about to say, "You die." "Comforting," I say sarcastically. "Well, you are required to work for the government. You'll be a teacher in our training facilities. The address is on the desk. You'll be expected tomorrow at 7:30." She says. "Where's Elliot?" I ask. She shrugs, "He was supposed to be here, so I'm assuming he's at your house or Julian's. Who knows. There's a cell phone with some of your pictures and stuff on it." I nod, "Do you have Elliot's phone number?" The agent sighs, "I can't give it to you." I frown, "Can you give him mine?" The woman sits down on the bed, "Look, you three aren't supposed to ever see each other again." Ever? "Wait, but I love him. How can I just never see him again?" I ask her. "Sorry." The woman walks towards the door, leaving me here. I lie back down and I cry. I didn't think I would, but I can't do this without him.

There's a knock on the door, I open it. It's the agent. "Did you forget something?" I ask. She smiles, "I'm not supposed to give you this, but we watched your memories. I know you love him. I had to pretend like I left for my body cam." She hands me a piece of paper, "Good luck." The woman walks down the stairs. I shut the door and grab the cell phone. Then, I read the number, typing it in.

It's ringing. "Hello?" His voice says. "Hey? Is there still an agent with you?" I ask. "No, he left. Savannah is that you?" He says. "Yeah, it's me. I'm at your apartment." I say. "I'm at a hotel." He says. I step outside, "Can you come here? Do you have a car?" "Yeah, I have one downstairs. I'll leave now. Wait, are you still in your time travel clothes? I'm wearing a CIA Uniform" He asks. "No, I'm wearing one too. I feel awkward, because who changed me?" Elliot laughs.

An old woman walks past with her dog, as I completely shut the door. She gasps, "Did you just move into that apartment?" What do I say? "Uh, kind of?" I say. "Who are you talking to?" Elliot says. "This woman, hang on." I say. "Do you know who used to live there? Did they clean out his stuff?" She asks. "Uh, are you talking about Elliot Foster?" The woman nods, "Do you know him?" I smile, "Uh, pretty well. I'm on the phone with him right now." The old lady gasps, "HE'S ALIVE? Tell him Margret wants to speak to him" I raise the phone, "Elliot do you know a Margret?" Elliot responds immediately, "Yes!" I pass the phone to Margret. "Where have you been?" She asks. "On an OP. I didn't know I was going to have to leave. I had no choice." I hear him say faintly. "I've got Ava." The woman says. "Oh, thank god. I was so worried. I'm on my way." Elliot says. "So, who's the young lady?" The woman asks. "Savannah." Elliot says. "So, are you two dating?" She asks both of us.

I can hear Elliot go "Uhh..." through the phone. I give her a nervous smile, "It's complicated." Very complicated. We never had the talk, we were kind busy. But, I definitely love him. "Ok." The woman says. She gives me a wink and I can feel my cheeks blush.

     Elliot arrives in a few minutes. He runs up the stairs and walks over to us. "Where is she?" He says. The woman hugs him, "She's in my apartment. She talks non-stop about you." The woman leads the both of us upstairs. Elliot grabs my hand and squeezes it. We follow her into the apartment and a blonde girl greets us. "Elliot?" She says. "Hey, Ava," Elliot says. She hugs him tightly. I smile and whisper to the old lady, "We should let them have their moment. Let's go outside." She nods and we leave the room.

     "So, where did he go? How'd he meet you?" She asks me. I smile, "I can't give you details, but we were forced to go. They kidnapped us, actually. Didn't leave us time to get our affairs in order, to say goodbye. We had no warning. He's not a bad parent, he had no choice." The old lady gives me sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry. But, on a brighter note, how'd you meet?" I laugh, "Um, we were stuck with each other. Day after day, we got to know each other, and fell in love." The woman smiles, "But you aren't his girlfriend?" I bite my lip, "I guess I am, kind of. We never like had the "talk" or have gone on a real date, but I love him. He loves me too. I don't know... it's been a long few months." She smiles, "Well, I think you seem very nice. Hopefully he sees that." She's so nice, I get how they are friends. "Thank you." I say.

     Elliot opens the door, "Can I talk to Savannah super fast?" The woman nods and swaps spots with Elliot. "I need to introduce you to her, but what should I call you? Like are you okay with girlfriend?" He says, oddly nervous. I laugh, "Girlfriend sounds great." He gives me a huge smile. We walk into the apartment. "Ava, this is my girlfriend, Savannah." He says. She giggles, "You have a girlfriend? Oooo!" I laugh. Elliot bends down, "Hey, so figured I could spend the day with you. Maybe we could go visit your mama's grave, then go get lunch at Biggies. Then, if you want to, we could meet Savannah at the movie theatre and watch a movie. And then we could go get milkshakes?" The girl cheers. "Savannah I'll text you movie time. Can you meet us there?" I nod, "Sure! I'll find Julian in the mean time. I think I know where he might be." Elliot nods, "Oh! I forgot, the hotel I stayed at is called Hotel Gratey. There was a poster of Julian up, so I asked the people about them. And the owners are his parents." I smile, "Well, I guess I'll get to see more than one reunion today." Elliot and Ava leave the apartment, I walk out and down the stairs.

Thanks for reading!
Not much of a cliffhanger, but meh.

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