In 1776...

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(Julian's POV)

    "Damn. She's a badass," I say. Elliot laughs and Belle rolls her eyes. "Yeah. She sure is, and she's keeping some nasty secrets. Those numbers she said earlier, they are big secrets, even I don't totally know what they are. I wouldn't mess with her. She's got some sort of involvement with the government or CIA or something." CIA? The US Government? Ouch. "So, is she like a CIA agent?" I ask him. "I don't think so. She's sixteen. You can't become one at 16. She does work for them or something. She not an agent. She could be a spy or an "asset." But, I really don't know much," Elliot says. "Maybe that's what my father was hiding from the president. He was keeping something from him. I kept hearing secret phone calls, in another language and yelling between him and he president," Belle says walking towards us. I look back and forth between us them. "I remember my boss talking about what the CIA was doing wrong. And what they were keeping from the people. I was investigating them..." I say. "That's what we have in common. We all know a little too much about this secret project. They're trying to kill us," Elliot says.

     Savannah walks towards us carrying a basket. "I got rat poison, a tea pot, coffee and tea," she says, "So, we'll mix the rat poison in the coffee and boom! Dead guy." "And what's the tea for?" I ask her. "I wanted tea, and we already needed to buy a tea/coffee pot. So, why not?" she says. "British much?" Belle says, jokingly. Savannah giggles, but then it turns into this almost evil laugh. She flips her hair back, "Oh, bloody hell! I'm going to stuck with you idiots for the next 228 years, I might as well tell you. I'm a British spy. I help out the US Government. It's a super secret operation with MI-6, CIA, CSIS, and ASIS," and says in a British accent. "Holy shizzle sticks. You're British?? I mean, I knew you were a part of the project, but figured you were CIA, not MI-6," Elliot says. "Yeah. Wait, "shizzle sticks??" what??" Savannah says. Elliot blushes, "Sorry, I have to watch my mouth around my niece. OH MY GOD, MY NIECE! SHE ALL ALONE AND IM STUCK IN SEVENTEEN FREAKIN' EIGHTY NINE." "How old is your niece?" Belle asks. "Eight. I'm raising her. It's not like her mother is going to rise out of her grave to take care of her. Or her father is going to break out of prison," Elliot says. He paces back and forth. And then, punches a tree, "Ow, god d—olly!" He squeezes his injure hand and bites his lip. Savannah walks towards him, "You're going need some ice." He nods and winces in pain. We're near the coast so, Elliot reaches into the water and cools off his hand.

"So, anyway, we figure out what we had in common while you were gone," Elliot says to Savannah. "When, you explained the project to us, we realized we all know a little too much about it. How many agents are there?" I ask. She looks behind us, "One from MI-6. Me. I'm the only "agent." There's only one from each agency. I'm MI-6's. Although, I overheard a conversation about it. The ASIS's and the CIA's are dead. Apparently, CSIS's is in a coma. I think I'm the only operating one. Only the head of the organizations and other government officials know about it," Savannah says. Belle looks up, "So it's true. We're here to do their dirty work, they want us dead anyway." Savannah looks at me, "Wait what's you all's part?" We each explain what we covered earlier. She shakes her head, "I'm sixteen! Sixteen! I'm supposed to be dating jocks and going to football games. I'm supposed to be fantasizing about prom, not killing slave sellers!" she says and turns to face Belle. "And you? Your thirteen! A child! Barely a teenager! And they want to kill you. Why? Because your father is an idiot and talks too loud. And you two? You're not married, you don't have any children of your own! We're supposed to grow old and have grandchildren! Not die before we make it to high school or prom or marriage!" she rants. I clench my fists, "This isn't fair. Not at all." Belle is sobbing. Savannah pulls her into a hug but doesn't start sobbing herself. I just hold her hand, but soon enough, I'm hugging and crying too. Elliot breaks up the moment, "Look. We have one more chance to get back. To prove ourselves. They won't kill us, they'll try to send us here to die, but they can't kill us in 2017. So, let's make it back there and resume our lives, perhaps we'll have to resume them in Russia or North Korea, but we'll still have them." Savannah stands up, back to bad-ass after a moment of sympathy. "He's right. We're definitely going to die here. Maybe, just maybe, we could go back and get our affairs in order before we're shipped off to be killed. Or perhaps to fix the things that we created by "fixing" these," she says. I stand up and sigh.

     "Okay, can we just kill who we need to kill and get out of here?" I ask. Belle smiles. "That's the spirt!" Elliot says. Savannah nods and sits down. Belle reaches into the basket and pulls out the poison and coffee. Savannah makes the poison infused coffee. "Okay. Ready to bring him a thank you gift?" Savannah says, in the British accent I'm still not used to. She picks up the tea cup and holds a couple gold coins.

    We walk up to the counter. Savannah does all the talking, because at this point most people still have a British accent. "Hello. I'd like to purchase one of your female field slaves. As a thank you, we have brought some coffee," she says. "Ah, why thank you," DeWolf says and begins to sip his coffee. He puts it down and as he finishes the transaction, his hands begin to tremble. DeWolf walks up to the slaves and then falls to the floor. The world begins to turn once again.

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Next chapter below!

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