21 | Ten Years Later (Filler Chapter)

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We searched for the Fountain of Youth for years. No luck. I had studied the map before we left Jack and Gibbs in Tortuga but you forget things after a while.

Not a day passed when I didn't think about Carina. My daughter. Being raised by strangers. An orphan. I often wonder what she looks like and what she's doing in England. I feel like a terrible mother. I left my child in England to go after something that doesn't exist.


Coast of Hispaniola: May 18, 1744

The place and date that will haunt me for the rest of my life. We were sailing along the coast of Hispaniola when we were attacked out of nowhere. The enemy ship turned out to be the Queen Anne's Revenge; Blackbeard's ship.

The Black Pearl turned against us and basically came to life. We were being attacked by ropes that acted as snakes. The rigging even came to life. The whole ship was creaking and we thought we were going to die.

Eventually, Barbossa used the worst words that he has ever said in his life. Abandon Ship.

We were so close to escaping without getting injured, but Barbossa wasn't lucky that night. A rope wrapped itself tightly around his leg, just under his knee. He made me cut his leg at the knee and we were able to escape.

I have been emotionally scarred from that event for three years. I watched friends die. Pintel and Ragetti. Last I saw, they were hanging from their necks from the mast. Jack the monkey. He is still 'undead' but he sunk with the ship. I miss that monkey. James Norrington escaped and as far as I know, he has re-joined the Royal Navy, allocated to Port Royal.

From that day, Barbossa has made it his mission to find Blackbeard and murder him. So far we have been unsuccessful.


///  One Year Later ///

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Barbossa as we approached a port in England. I don't intend to see Carina. It would be too hard on all of us. She is better off not knowing her parents.

"Aye, Lily. What's the harm on joinin' the winnin' side?" He grinned.

"But, there is one factor that may end with us hanging by our necks."

"Perhaps the King will grant us with a Royal Pardon in return for our services to the Crown," He suggested.  We got out of the boat and tied it up.

We made it to King George's castle and met with him in a large gold dining room. The room was beautiful. Gold statues took up most of the space along with large chandeliers with diamonds. We were chained to our chairs and I was getting really annoyed. There is only one specific time I enjoy being chained but lets not get into that at the moment.

King George II entered the room wearing long golden robes and a hideous white curly wig. He sat down at the table opposite us. His guards all followed.

"Who might you two be?" The King slurred. He sounded drunk but I heard he went mad from the amount of powder in his wig.

"I be Hector Barbossa. This be my wife, Lily."

I looked up and smiled at the King, "Hello," I rattled the chains that were keeping me detained. Looking up, I saw the King looking rather annoyed.

"Will someone please remove these infernal chains?!" The King ordered. Two men came over and finally removed them, "Now, what is it that you want?"

"Your Majesty, we may be pirates, but we wish to give up that lifestyle. Join the winnin' side, so to say," Barbossa told him.

"And if I were to grant you a Royal Pardon for your crimes, would you be willing to become Privateers under the protection and authority of the Crown?" The King asked. 


/// Two Years Later ///

The next couple of years consisted of being a part of the crew on the HMS Providence. We finally gained the trust of the King and Barbossa was promoted to Captain of the Providence. I, being his first mate.

Since losing his right leg, Barbossa was gifted a peg leg by the King, which was like a mean of storage for a liquid. He, of course, chose to fill it with rum. I was gifted a new sword, which looked similar to my old one. I keep both attached to my belt, just in case.

A/N: Yes, this is short and not very discriptive, but at school I failed English a couple of times. This is just a filler but the next chapter will be way longer.

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