9 | Isla de Muerta Again

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On the way back to that dreaded island, Barbossa and I just talked. He told me a lot about his life and how he used to be Sparrow's first mate until he and the crew decided to maroon Sparrow on an island. He also told me that he has never felt the way he does with me, with anyone else. Only me. I now know that him and the crew only want the curse to be lifted, and who could blame them? Having food turn to ash in your mouth and not being able to feel any pleasure must be a living hell. Eventually, he gave me a necklace which was made of a very strong cord and a piece of ruby. It was the most beautiful piece of jewellry I have ever seen in my life. I only wish he had been able to feel our kiss; it hurts that he couldn't but that's not entirely his fault.

We arrived at the Isla de Muerta for the second time in almost a week. I know for a fact Will isn't going to die but he doesn't. Not that I care, as we aren't exactly speaking now. Barbossa makes Will lean over the chest of gold with a knife, ready to slit his throat. The crew all chant something which I cannot understand.

"Begun by blood. By blood un.." Barbossa was cut off by Jack Sparrow walking towards him. How the hell did he get off that island again? Sparrow comes forward making a few random gestures to make everyone shut up.

"Jack!" Will yells while Barbossa stares at him with a shocked expression. I quickly grab my pistol and aim it at him.

"It's not possible." Barbossa half whispers.

"Not probable." Sparrow corrects him.

"Where's Elizabeth?" Will asks as Bo'sun grabs Sparrow's shoulder.

"She's safe, just like I promised. She's all set to marry Norrington, just like she promised and you get to die for her just like you promised. So we're all men of our word really, except for Elizabeth who is, in fact, a woman."

"Shut up! You're next!" Barbossa yells at him and goes to kill Will, but is cut off by Sparrow.

"You don't want to be doing that, mate."

"No, I really think I do." He replied.

Sparrow shrugged and looked down, "Your funeral."

Barbossa rolled his eyes and finally gave in, "Why do I not want to be doin' it?"

"Well, because," Sparrow pushes Bo'sun's hand away amd walks forward, "Because the HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy, is floating just offshore waiting for you." Everyone starts muttering and I faintly hear Ragetti curse. "Just hear me out, mate. You order your men to row out to the Dauntless, they do what they do best, Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt.. There you are with two ships. The makings of your own fleet. Of course, you'll take the grandest as your flagship and who's to argue? But of the Pearl? Name me Captain, I'll sail under your colours and give you ten percent of me plunder and you get to introduce yourself as Commodore Barbossa. Savvy?"

"I suppose in exchange, you'll want me to not kill the whelp?"

"No, no, no, not at all. By all means, kill the whelp. Just not yet. Wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment. For instance, after you've killed Norrington's men. Every... last... one."

"You've been planning this since the beginning, ever since you learnt my name." Will states.

"Yeah." Sparrow replies proudly.

"If I may inject my opinion." I start and step forward. "I say Captain Barbossa should get at least fifty percent of your plunder. It's only fair in exchange for you staying alive."

"Yes, thank you Lily. I want fifty percent of your plunder, Sparrow."

"Fifteen." Sparrow replies.

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