15 | Captured

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A/N: I tried with Lily calling her true love 'Hector' but it doesn't sound right unless she is directly talking to him; so, I'm going back to calling him 'Barbossa' unless Lily is speaking to him. Please continue.

"There's a fresh water spring on this island." Will told everyone while looking at the charts. "We can resupply there and get back to shooting each other later."

"You lead the shore party. I'll stay with my ship." Jack told Barbossa.

"I'll not be leavin' my ship in your command." Barbossa replied.

"Why don't you both go ashore and leave the ship in my command?" Will suggested and got glares from Jack and Barbossa. "Temporarily."

The Black Pearl was approaching the island when Barbossa took out his spyglass and had a closer look at it. Jack turned up with a very large spyglass; mocking Barbossa in a way, now he has a larger one.  Men. I will never understand them. Barbossa gave Jack an odd look that turned into a smirk.

"Bloody hell, Jack. Why is it a contest of who has the larger bits?" I laughed.

"When using the word 'bits', do you mean physically, as in, on said person's body? Or do you mean the physical objects said person possesses?" Jack asked me causing me to roll my eyes.

"Possessions, Jack."

"Oh, well, in that case, I just won round two. Physically on said person's body, I believe I won that too. But, dear Lily, you can be the judge of that." He winked and I slapped him in the face. Not too hard, of course. Just enough to get that thought out of his stupid head.

"Jack, let me warn ye. Lily is mine, not yours. And for the record, she has no idea who has the bigger physical bits." Barbossa told him sternly and kissed me. Jack had a look of disgust on his face.


We were in longboats, rowing to the shore of the island. I looked to my right to see Pintel and Ragetti's boat get knocked over by a wave, making them fall into the water. Idiots.

"Mind the boat." Cotton's parrot squawked.   The crew carried the canteens; me included but we all stopped when we saw a horrific right. The Kraken was  washed up ahead of us with seagulls eating the rotting flesh. Gross. We walked up to it and Pintel poked it with a long stick.

"Careful! Careful!" Ragetti told him and climbed into the Kraken's body.

"You stupid fish!" Pintel yelled at the corpse.

"Actually it's a cephalopod."

"Serves it right."

"Pin, I bet people would pay a shilling to see this." Ragetti told him while jumping up and down on the Kraken. "And another shilling for a sketch of them sitting atop!"

"Pintel and Ragetti, Kraken slayers!" Pintel exclaimed and jumped on the corpse too.

"We could serve up a slice as a souvenir." I heard Ragetti say. That's one image that'll never leave my head. Ragetti slicing up a dead sea creature.

"Still thinkin' of runnin', Jack?" Barbossa asked Jack who was staring into the glazed eye of the Kraken. "Think ye can outrun the world? Ye know the problem with bein' the last of anything, by and by, there be none left at all."

"Sometimes things come back, mate. We're living proof, you, me and Lily." Jack replied.

"Aye, but that's a gamble of long odds, ain't it?"

"Jack, there's never a guarantee of coning back." I told Jack. "But passing on, that's dead certain. Us three got lucky. There are so many dead people who'd give anything to live again. To be given another chance at life."

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