14 | We're Back

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After a couple of hours, night had fallen again and we were sailing through something eerie. Hundreds of boats with people in them were floating all around. Will decided to take out a gun, just in case.

"They're not a threat to us, am I right?" He asked.

"We are nothing but ghosts to them." Tia replied.

"It's best just let them be." Hector told him with an arm around my waist. There were children in boats, elderly, babies. The sight was awful. All these lost souls left to float in boats for eternity.

"It's our father. We've made it back." Elizabeth told me. I looked out and saw father floating in a boat. "Father! Father, here, look here!" He just ignored her.

"Father, it's Lily and Elizabeth! Father!" I yelled at him.

"Elizabeth, Lily, we're not back." Jack told us.

"Father!" Elizabeth and I yelled while walking down the railing.

"Elizabeth, Lily, are you dead?" He finally listened to us.

"No, no." Elizabeth whispered.

"Father, we're not dead." I told him.

"I think I am."

"No, you can't be!" I yelled.

"There was this chest, you see. It's odd. At the time it seemed so important.

"Come aboard!" Elizabeth told him.

"And a heart. I learned that if you stab the heart, yours must take its place. And you will sail the seas for eternity. The Dutchman must always have a captain.  Silly thing to die for."

"Someone cast a line!" I yelled at the crew. "Father, come back with us!"

"Come on!" Elizabeth grabbed the rope from Marty and threw it to father. "Take the line!"

"I'm so proud of you girls."

"Father, take the line! Please take it!" I was starting to become hysterical. Elizabeth and I ran to the end of the ship. "Please come with us!"

"Father, please! We won't leave without you! Please!" We pleaded but he never made an effort to come back to us.

"I'll give your love to your mother. And your birth parents, Lily."

"Father! Please!" I was about to jump off the ship when some hands caught my waist. "No! Let me go! No, father! Come back! Please!" Hector pulled me into him while I cried in his arms. Now all my parents are dead, and I only knew two of them. Hector put one arm around my waist and the other on my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and just cried. All my parents are dead and there's nothing I can do.

"Is there a way?" Will asked Tia. I saw her shake her head.

"Him at peace."


The next morning, there was no water left. Or rum. Elizabeth and I sat on some steps and hugged eachother. Our father wad dead and there was nothing we could no.

"If we cannot escape these doldrums before night, I fear we will sail on trackless seas." Tia told Will. "Doomed to roam the reach between worlds. Forever."

"With no water, forever looks to be arriving a mite too soon." Gibbs said.

"Why doesn't he do something?" Will asked while looking at Hector, who was at the helm.

"Alright then, Will. What do you suggest we do? If you have any ideas, please tell us." I snapped and walked up to Hector.

"You okay, Lily?" He asked and kissed me softly.

"Just sick of Will. He was asking why you aren't doing anything to try to get us back. I told him if he has any ideas to share them; which he didn't." I replied.

"What's that?" Jack randomly asked and ran to the port side of the ship. "What is that? I don't know. What do you think?"

"Where?" Gibbs asked, looking out and only seeing water for miles.

"There." He ran to the starboard side. Then back to port.

"Hector, he's really done it, hasn't he? He has finally driven himself loopy." I told him.

"Aye, it looks like it."

Jack kept running back and forth to the sides of the ship, the crew following him.

"What is it?" Elizabeth asked him. He just made an odd noise and kept running side to side. Hector looked at the charts, trying to find out what Jack is doing.

"Aye, he's onto it." Hector said as Ragetti fetched a rope.

"We'll tie each other to the mast upside down, so when the boat flips, we'll be the right way up." He told Pintel.

"Time it with the swell." Hector told everyone before going below deck. We kept running back and forth for ages and I noticed Pintel and Ragetti had somehow managed to tie themselves to the mast upside down. The ship tipped so far up I nearly missed it a couple of times to grab the railing. Finally we were literally hanging off the railing of the ship when it finally tipped.

"Now up, is down." Jack said. He sounded sketchy about what we just did. We held our breath for almost a minute and I saw a flash of green. Suddenly the Pearl was above water. Everyone was coughing and I saw Pintel and Ragetti still upside down. Idiots.

"Blessed sweet westerlies!" Gibbs exclaimed. "We're back!"

"It's a sunrise." Elizabeth stated. Hector suddenly took out a pistol and pointed it at Jack; as did I. Then six of us had two pistols each all aimed at each other. Hector started laughing until everyone joined in and lowered their weapons.

"Alright, then!" Hector spoke and we all went back to pointing our pistols. "The Brethren Court is agathering at Shipwreck Cove. And, Jack, you and I are agoin'. There'll be no arguing that point."

"I is arguing the point. If there's pirates agathering, I'm pointing my ship the other way." He replied and I aimed both my pistols at him.

"The pirates are gathering to fight Beckett, and you're a pirate." I told him.

"Fight or not, you're not running, Jack." Will pointed both his pistols at Jack.

"If we don't stand together, they'll hunt us down one by one till there be none left but you." Hector told Jack. No way is he running from us.

"Quite like the sound of that. Captain Jack Sparrow, the last pirate." He replied.

"Aye." Hector stepped towards him with a big pistol to Jack's head. "And you'll be fighting Jones alone. How does that figure into your plan?"

"I'm still working on that. But I will not be going back to the Locker, mate. Count on that." Jack pulled his trigger but nothing happened. We all pulled our triggers but nothing came out.

"Wet powder." Gibbs told us.

"Wait! We can still use them as clubs!" Pintel yelled. Ragetti hit him on the head with the end of his pistol. "Oww."

"Sorry. Effective, though."

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