10 | Life After Death

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Chapter 9 Flashback/Re-cap

~~~"He didn't waste it." Will says as he drops two medallions into the chest, covered in his blood. I run to Barbossa and put my hand on the wound, attempting to stop the bleeding; it doesn't work.

"I feel..." Barbossa starts while grabbing my hand. "...cold." He falls back onto the ground and tears force themselves from my eyes.

"No." I whisper while crouching beside him. "No. No! No! No! You can't die! I love you Hector Barbossa! You cannot die! No!" I can't contain myself and burst out in tears. Then I get up and face Sparrow who looks a little guilty. "You. You did this!" I yell and attempt to stab him with my sword. Will grabs my arms and holds them behind my back. Quickly, I lift my foot to kick him in his private area; he instantly lets go.

"Lily, hurry! We have to go to father!" Elizabeth yells at me.

"No! He is NOT my father! You are NOT my sister! Will and Sparrow killed the man I love! Elizabeth, how would you feel if I killed Will?" She looks down. "Exactly. I am not leaving him." I walk back to his body and lay next to him. Then I bring my pistol to my head and pull the trigger. All my suffering just ended.~~~

A/N: I'm sorry I suck at writing 'life after death' stuff but so I'm just going to go on with 3rd person.


*3rd Person*

Elizabeth, Will and Jack row back to the Dauntless only for Elizabeth to tell her father about Lily's death. Elizabeth bursts into tears while telling her father; who is also very upset.

"How did it happen?" Governor Swann asks his daughter.

"Father, Lily fell in love with a pirate. She couldn't live without him."

"But.. why couldn't she be with us? Is there something you're not telling me, Elizabeth?"

"I may have said some things to make her dislike me." She replied, looking down.

"Elizabeth, please tell me you didn't."

"I'm sorry, father. But she did have the right to know."

"I can't believe this. I promised her parents to tell her on her twentieth birthday. But since that is now impossible I suppose you did the right thing."


Tia Dalma discovered two bodies floating out of a cave together. She had visions about this happening a few days prior and recognised the pair to be Hector Barbossa and Lily Swann. Tia had met Lily's real parents about 18 years ago when they were travelling to Port Royal with a child. Anne and Stefan Smyth. They were pirates who decided they couldn't raise a child on a pirate ship. One day, the pair found themselves at Tia's hut in need of some medicine for Anne as she was very ill. Unfortunately, Anne passed after her illness got worse leaving Stefan to travel to Port Royal alone.

Upon arriving at Port Royal, Stefan tried his best to look less like a pirate; in which he succeeded. He made his was to Governor Swann's mansion where he left Lily and a letter.

Only a year had passed since Stefan lost his wife and left his daughter with complete strangers when he and his crew encountered a hurricane. Stupidly, he decided to sail through it; which ended in his death.


Tia Dalma had been tending to Barbossa and Lily for about a year when Lily started to stir. She eventually woke up and thought she was still dead; which of course resulted in her panicking.

"Ah, I see you is awake now, Lily Smyth." Tia tells her while preparing a drink for her.

"Where am I? Who are you? And why did you call me Smyth?"

"You are in my hut. You was dead along with another man. My name is Tia Dalma. Did nobody tell you? You was adopted by a Governor. Your real parents could not raise you at sea on da pirate ship." Tia walks over to Lily and hands her a cup with odd smelling liquid in it. "Drink. You will feel better."

"Thank you. Who are my parents?"

"There names be Anne and Stefan Smyth. Unfortunately, dey passed. Your mother by an illness and your father by da hurricane." Tia explains while Lily looks around. She notices Hector Barbossa on a small bed next to hers.

"Tia, how am I here? I shot myself and died. Hector was killed too. Will he wake?"

"Do not worry, child. He will wake eventually. As for you, since your death was faster, it was easier to heal you. I am a witch, in a way. You have a touch of destiny about you. I take it you loved him?" Tia motioned to Barbossa who was still unconcious.

"I still do love him. I always will. Thank you, Tia. How can I repay you?"

"You need not repay me, Lily Smyth. You and 'im were mean't to live and be together."


*Lily's POV*

The next day, Hector finally woke up. Tia Dalma was a really kind woman for bringing us back from the dead though how she did it, I'll never know.

"Lily? Is that you?"

"Yes, yes it's me." I ran over to him and wrapped my arms tight around his neck, never wanting to let go.

"How am I alive? Sparrow shot me." He asked before kissing me. He can finally feel it.

"I need to tell you something. After you died, I shot myself. I just couldn't live without you." I told him as we grabbed my waist and pulled me in to him tighter.

"Lily, ye shouldn't 'ave done that but at least we be both alive now."

I heard some chattering coming from downstairs so I walked down a couple of stairs and peeked around the corner. And guess who I saw? Some of Jack's and Barbossa's crew and Elizabeth. But no Jack? How long was I dead anyway. I ran back upstairs as fast as I could.

"Guess who decided to visit?"

"Not Sparrow. Please tell me it's not Sparrow."

"No, it's not him. It's some of his crew, Pintel, Ragetti and Elizabeth." I walked back downstairs and everyone stared. "Miss me, sis?" I smirked.

"Lily, is that you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Blimey, it's Lily Swann!" Ragetti yelled while jumping up and down like a little girl.

"Actually, it's Lily Smyth now. I found out who my parents are. Anyway, there is someone upstairs who you will be suprised to see." Barbossa walked down the stairs with Jack the monkey on his shoulder and an apple in his hand.

"So, tell me, what's become of me ship?"

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